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"Other than that I've been working on the cum scenes for the anal scene. I didn't like how the "cum in" animation was going to I'm kind of restarting it."

Moxy... I am a developer over ad TDD with Price For Freedom, girl... you need to stop restarting things and just move forward at this point. Trust me, when you get actual forward momentum this project is going to take off. But if you keep going backwards and re-doing things instead of moving forward you will never make actual progress.

Hoping for all the best for you and the project.


Thank you for the advice and your interest in the project. I do agree with your sentiment and have been trying to get things done for the game with the mentality that if it doesn't work, I can fix it later. But in this case for the animation itself it was more like " The motion is fundamentally broken, so it'd be easier to restart this portion of the anim rather than try to make a bad thing look passable". I wasn't too deep into the animation either do I didn't lose too much time either.

But I do agree that I need to pick up the pace with production, so I'm going to be more practical when making assets from here on out. I appreciate the advice again and wish you luck on your own work!


Thanks a ton for the support <3. But yeah I get wanting to go over and redo something to get it just right. I had to just learn to let it go and move forward, I was forced to really. The first build we made we had only 7 days to get the entire first quest done! So that meant I had to just write and instead of going back and changing it over and over like I used to do... I just did as good as I could and pushed forward.

I've constantly dabbled with going back and re-doing a lot of stuff. But it just... kills progress and momentum on new content. So We hired on a proof reader and I just push forward. I'll be watching your stuff as always, super excited to see what you come up with! Love your art and your games are usually really crispy and nice. All the best wishes and luck to you.


Yeah I feel that. It's often best to just move forward and not get too stuck in your own head haha I'll definitely try to keep that in mind through development.

And thanks for the kind words! I hope development goes well for you and your team and good luck with things! ^-^