This game is so jank in the best way possible. I thought it was pretty funny, and the relatability of the MC is just perfect. And I'll be honest, the only reason I clicked this because of the pun-nail. I can tell you are a man of true culture. It would be hard to make this into a full game that someone would pay for, but I can see how you could take this idea and run with it.
I didn't notice that walking in the pedestrian zone would make cars not honk at you. I think this was because the art was so out of proportion I didn't expect there to be that kind of detail. But don't get me wrong I love the character and environment art. Especially the death animations. 10/10. The music was great, but right now I think it's acting like a timer, and it would, IMO, make this feel like much more of a simulator if it was reactive. The main problem with it being a timer is when I know it's almost at zero I can run to an unoccupied part of the map and wait it out. I can understand why you wouldn't do this, but it would be cool nun the less. :)
I think the loss of control of the character went well with the theme. I can only say it would help if the animation of the character was a little more spastic. If the character flailed his arm's and had a more sporadic run animation it would exemplify him being out of control a little more. And I get that the characters corrupt, but why did he turn black? haha
There are some smaller things that you probably already know so I wont beat a dead dog- I mean horse. But I would like to point out that green on white is a little hard to read.
I had lots of fun with this game and would like to see what you do with it in the future. Would you mind if I featured your game in a GMTK game jam review video on my YT channel?