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(1 edit)

Here's a project, there's barely anything in it and I'm not doing anything crazy code-wise and it's updating every 0.2s which is what I've used on huge projects with tons of stuff going on in pre-GMS2.3


But if you run this with a GMLive server running and just kind of fiddle around with the code in the obj_main Draw event and the scr_gui functions...like making changes to a few different functions and the Draw event at once, or just commenting stuff out or un-commenting it back in, adding/removing random draw_texts or draw_rectangles or just typing in general sometimes, and hitting CTRL+S as you go (with properly written code that doesn't give errors, like it's not a big dump of errors causing it), the program seems to hang and crash within a few minutes .

Oddly it's not even right when you press Save or GMLive does something necessarily, like you can just be in the middle of typing and it crashes the game.  The IDE stays alive, just the Runner.exe crashes.  When it freezes up (game screen becomes translucent white), it shows the top and then the bottom error:

GMLive's server doesn't show any information, like it has no idea anything went wrong, and GM's Output window just says:

X://windows/Runner.exe exited with non-zero status (-1073741819)
FAILED: Run Program Complete. For the details of why this build failed, please review the whole log above and also see your Compile Errors window.

...with no detailed explanation or errors shown anywhere.

I'm assuming it's some kind of memory thing, but there doesn't seem to be any consistency of when it happens.   But if I turn GMLive off there's no crashing, or if I bump the live_init time up to like 10s, there's no crashing (I haven't had a single crash with my edit where I manually tell it when to update).

I have no idea if you'll be able to reproduce the bug or not...I can record my screen if that helps lol This has never been a problem before 2.3 and I've put GMLive through the grinder with way more complicated & memory intensive games than this little example file without crashing!