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Sometimes the same configuration can give a different outcome :thinking: so it's not a 1 to 1 function

I've noticed some configurations depend on what order the tiles are processed in, so if you swap two tiles around, even if they're the same kind of tile, you can get different results.

Simplest example is two pushers, one behind the other - in one order they'll move in step and stay touching, in the other order they'll separate and be a block apart.

If you run the simulation and then reset, it seems to reset into a consistent order (top to bottom?) so if you move nothing and run it again, that will have a consistent behaviour.

Mine happens regardless of whether I moved any tile. For certain configurations, if you keep retrying, you can get 2 different outcomes. But yes, it might be due to which blocks get to initiate first.

I even got pusher blocks (one pushing right, one pushing up) to move diagonally past immovable blocks because they were moving at the same time.