An excellent entry, I think it’s really impressive what you’ve managed to achieve in such a short time.
The game fits the theme well, the character (and grass) animations are nice and the music and SFX fit with the games’ aesthetics beautifully.
I would echo the comment about it not being instantly clear that you went for the wild card “the menu screen is part of the game”, so it is a little difficult to get to the point of playing the game.
On the subject of controls, overall I think they’re fine, but they can be a bit disorientating - they’re more like clockwise/anti-clockwise instead of left/right and that takes a little while to get used to. Perhaps if you used some different keys, not left and right arrow keys, it might make remove some of the association/muscle-memory.
I initially got stuck on the level with the “High” key - it was odd to go through an open door/portal, but not be allowed back through it (perhaps make it vanish instead - and just put the other door up high instead of needing the key) - I had to watch the start of your playthrough to realise that there was a double jump unlockable just out of my vision. A small improvement would be to place the ability bubble somewhere really obvious.
Well done on creating an impressive game; creating something really appealing to play that fit within the theme.