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Steve Jaxon

A member registered Oct 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi Baan, thanks for playing the game. I’m glad that you enjoyed it - and that you completed it.

Hi Nochless, thanks for playing the game and for your feedback.

I’m glad that you liked the artwork. I think that you’re correct that there’ some feedback and game juice elements missing; I had implemented screen shake, the player flashing when they take damage and iframes, but I wasn’t 100% happy with it and ran out of time. Similarly with some SFX that were created, but are missing. I’ll definitely have to focus more on that next time.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. That definitely helps - I made the design decision not to add the ability to interrupt the kick attack once it was initiated and it seems like it wasn’t the correct decision.

I appreciate your feedback, it’s a useful lesson to learn about character control design - and what not to do!

I really liked the design of some of your puzzles; they seem to have been really well thought out and you introduce some fun variety. The art style is quite unique and interesting (especially the pulsing, pink walls) of the level.

Congratulations on saving Candy Town! Thanks for playing the game and stopping by to let us know that you enjoyed it.

Nice game!

I really like how you made the wild card of naming your character central to gameplay of you game - that was a really unique idea.

I liked the transition from day to night as you travel around the globe - although, it’s a little suprising that snail moves that fast!

The game fit the theme well, the art is charming and it has some interesting mechanics. Good job!

Nice game; A really impressive entry for your first Jam!

The art style is really appealing and cute. The music is pleasant, upbeat and fits the game nicely.

I had an issue - I’m using a Mac - where I couldn’t close the popup box/window that tells you about turning on the flashlight, so I wasn’t able to progress very far in the game.

How did you manage to export the game as a single, playable, file? I couldn’t work it out from following the export instructions - I always ended up with two files. Could you point me towards the steps you followed (the instructions you used), please?

Great entry!

An excellent entry, I think it’s really impressive what you’ve managed to achieve in such a short time.

The game fits the theme well, the character (and grass) animations are nice and the music and SFX fit with the games’ aesthetics beautifully.

I would echo the comment about it not being instantly clear that you went for the wild card “the menu screen is part of the game”, so it is a little difficult to get to the point of playing the game.

On the subject of controls, overall I think they’re fine, but they can be a bit disorientating - they’re more like clockwise/anti-clockwise instead of left/right and that takes a little while to get used to. Perhaps if you used some different keys, not left and right arrow keys, it might make remove some of the association/muscle-memory.

I initially got stuck on the level with the “High” key - it was odd to go through an open door/portal, but not be allowed back through it (perhaps make it vanish instead - and just put the other door up high instead of needing the key) - I had to watch the start of your playthrough to realise that there was a double jump unlockable just out of my vision. A small improvement would be to place the ability bubble somewhere really obvious.

Well done on creating an impressive game; creating something really appealing to play that fit within the theme.

I think that this was an impressive first entry to a Game Jam - and a solo effort. The concept is interesting and once you grasp what’s going on it’s fun and quite satisfying to separate the arguing people.

It’s a little difficult initially to work out who is the player character, I think you could have made them stand out a little more.

It’s also quite tricky to pick up the person you intend to when it starts to get crowded and this can be a little frustrating - especially when you lose the game due to it.

I think the babbling sounds of talking were fun - I think a sound meter showing the decibels, how much it is going up with the arguments that are breaking out and how close would be a great way to give the player feedback on how close they are to losing etc.

Hi HeroRobb, thank you for playing our game and for taking the time to leave some really useful feedback. You’re right, the boss level design as it is does encourage just standing close to the witch and kicking frantically - and that’s not really what I had hoped for in designing the level, but as I ran out of time that became the compromise. I definitely think it’s an area that has room for improvement.

Hi ItsBorza, thanks for playing our game. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide detailed feedback about the controls, it’s really helpful in understanding how the game could be improved - and how I can improve as a game designer.

Hi Eplis, thanks for playing the game - and for your feedback. I’m glad to hear that you made it to the end of the game.

Thanks for letting us know that the controls could use some improvements. So that I can try and remedy the problem (and generally improve as a game developer), would be able to give me a little more specific feedback about why the controls didn’t feel great - maybe what could have been tinkered with to improve them?

Thanks :) 

Yeah, I think that I was a bit too ambitious with the idea - and what I could achieve on my first attempt at creating a game on my own in a couple of weeks. If I get a chance to carry on with the game, I'll definitely try and add some sound effects and background music!

Thanks for playing the game and for the feedback.

It's my first time creating a game and using ReactJS - and I was sorely pressed for time - so it's very rough around the edges. I'll make sure to factor in other browsers when I do some more development on the project