Thanks again for all these bug notifications. I think I got them all worked out and im really glad you enjoyed the game so much, it really means a lot.
Your thoughts on status effects are good too, though I feel like a lot of them dont actually work as intended in the first place, still a bit janky sometimes. Having the herbs match the icon is a good idea though I will definitely take on board for the future.
As your questions.
1. Are the robot in Flapjack (Vote 5) and the fish ex prime minister rivals?
Not really, the Vote 5 robot is actually a character I created for an animated collab back in 2004/2005. Most of the other residence of Flapjack are characters from my short films that I have released over the last 17 years as well.
2. Why can't I fight this thing?
The Cordybiceps by this point is too far gone and fused to the wall. After having him persue you throughout most of the episodes I thought it would be a nice twist at the end.
3. Any plans to continue this series?
My previous 2 games Flatwoods (which this is a semi sequel too) and Hazmat are set in the same world, the world of Nimbin specifically. I dont currently have any plans for games set after the narrative of this game currently but I do have plans for 2 semi prequels, one a short adventure game that shows how Zaats egg ended up getting wash on shore and the other a larger RPG project about the old tiger in his youth and his fight against the alien invasion of Flatwoods so I guess its really a middle story between Flatwoods and this game. I am hoping to keep all my games set in this same world/universe with subtle links between them for people who are looking for them.