That is nice, thanks for the tip. But something is not allowed this way. Look at this code please, i explain underneath what is strange looking to me :
pages {
001_start : page "Page 1" {
: print "This is start page" ;
: add_choice "goto page 2" {
: goto "002_some_event" ;
: gosub "select" ;
002_some_event : page "Page 2" {
: print "This is second page" ;
: press_any_key ;
: if (true) {
: goto "003_the_end" ; -> works only when inside if or choice
//: goto "003_the_end" ; -> why not directly?
//: done; -> ok no needed
003_the_end : page "Page 3" {
: print "This is third page" ;
//: done; -> ok, no needed
subroutines {
select : subroutine {
: choose "what now?" ;
: done ;
I understand the ":done;" can be deleted, that is fine. But the "goto page" command cannot exist without if or choice. There are sometimes pages where you do not have any choice just show some text, wait for 'press any key' and 'jump to this page'. This can be added as "choice" or "always true if statement" workaround... Is there any possibility that the goto command in future version would work without if/choice?