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Mac OSX version wouldn't run on Catalina :)

(1 edit)

Hi NateRen

I tried to export and upload the Mac OSX version another time but I sadly can't insure that it will run this time because I use Windows myself and can't test if it runs and what the problems are. But I still hope that it will run.

Afraid that's not done it - will look into it a little further but entirely possible its something my end. I'll have to try one of the others :D


I was able to run it after changing permissions to the executable, something like `chmod +x Deadly\\ Arena`.

I'll have to try that, odd as the error didn't suggest a permission issue the way it normally would but will give it a go. Cheers

Apple is kinda hostile towards apps that doesn't come from their AppStore.

It's sometimes less hustle to run a windows game with wine than a native mac app.
