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Hopefully don't take this the wrong way, just some feedback from my run, but the statue made me rage quit

-The scale of the map is a tad large for the amount of exploration. An increase of player speed or scale down of the map would help

-First person platforming? no thanks

-We could use a brightness setting or a glowier torch, the dark darks made it rough to see in the maze

-Puzzles and solutions could use a little more clarity and contextual clues

-The statue hoochie is too unforgiving. I she killed shot me and several others below and it seems maybe a location reset might be gentler, as well as a patch for her 'look at me' mechanic

Thanks for the experience, I appreciate your hard work :)

Thank you very much for playing! Enjoyed your playthrough!

I will address some of the issues you mentioned in the next update.

Also, putting the blue book aside, you were so close to one of the endings, did you forget about what you saw in the labyrinth at 6:17?