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(1 edit)

I have a challenge idfk if anyone cares but whatever. Make yourself in this game (because idfc) 

Name: kat (y'all already freaking know that)

Race: human

Class: Mage, WoOooOoo MaAaAaGIIiIiIiIiIC 

Age: *secret* 

Sexuality: bisexual (lesbian maybe idfk) demisexual 

Likes: CaNdLeS, certain types of blankets, tiny plants in tiny pots, cacti, cats, dogs, small mammals. Reptiles

Dislikes: most insects. Spooders. When i get frustrated / obsessed with / really excited and i have to tense up and then un tense my shoulders and i start like grabbing my arms and my hands do weird claw things because it kinda hurts and like i have to grab my hair and its just very unpleasant 

Favorite people: too many to count :D 

least favorite person / people: MYSELF:D

Good traits: i will do anything for you. And uh.... im pretty good in an argument.... im also mediocre at cooking

Bad traits: annoying, either sad or angry when im alone, cries for no reason, goes on long ass rants over every little thing, bugs everyone. Hyperfocuses on stuff and talks about it non stop for about a week until i find a new obsession. Weird taste in music, holds grudges against certain people.... aka that one girl in my class (we've known each other for 10 years) (so since we were 3) because she made me feel like a usless unimportant stupid waste of space THEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO SAY I WAS TURNING OUR FRIENDS AGAINST HER WHEN SHE MADE ME CRY IM CLASS UGH I HATE HER.) Does that ⬆️, bites my nails, can't take care of myself. Bad at maths, can't speak in front of large groups of people without crying. Lowkey sewar cidal, unathletic. Out of shape. Plenty of self loathing. Is obsessed with random stuff (candles, chapstick, essential oils) hardly eats and when i DO its unhealthy. Can and probably will accidentally ruin your life :D. Anger problems. Hides most negative emotions because in past situations it doesn't really work out ;-; . Forgets shit easily. And uh i exist so yeah

Pets: a small lizard (idfc what type) named kiwi (i don't have a lizard irl) 

Friends: anyone who considers me their friend 





so I didn’t make me cuz I’m ugly but I made this girl

Deleted 4 years ago

wheres this dress up game from?? wh


Deleted 3 years ago


put some positive traits damnit

dont be so hard on yourself

you are one of the best people i have ever met/talked to ever!!!

youre smart, kind, beautiful, and 50 other things!!!!!

(1 edit)

Name: Ella

Race: Somethin' between a lazy human and a grumpy cat.

Age: I'm timeless.

Sexuality: Grey Asexuality

Likes: CHEESE; snakes; sleep; rainy nights; windy days; JELLYFISH; read; motorcycles; ink; tattos; chrysalism; carcolepsy; FELLING SAFE; marbles; stained glass; color grey; papercut light boxes; all the songs in my spotfy; SHERLOCK; confy clothes; ghosts; witchs; MOM; fireflies in a forest near a river; feeling chills; HUGS; hot chocolate; cyberpunk aesthetic; pucca; sailor moon; crows; WEBTOONS; hourglasses; pocket watches; The Little Prince; BANANAS; music boxes; tarot cards; marshmallows; KINDNESS.

Dislikes: Feeling itchy; noisy people(unless they are my friends); small places; queues; when I can't find something; having to wake up; nightmares; my childhood; the sound of my own breath; pools; feeling helpless; having to call someone family just 'cause we're blood related; FLIES;

Favourite Food and Drink: Yakisoba & Yakult

Least Favourite Food and Drink: Sushi & Coke

Favourite People: My mom and every person that makes me feel safe and confortable (that means very few people)

Least Favourite People: Rapists (my uncle grandpa includded); People who mistreat animals.

Traits: I'm really quiet, but also really frightening if anyone messes with people that I hold dear. I'm affectionate thou (kind of), I tend to push people away because of some childhood traumas, specially if they feel attracted to my body or my face; Boring but also easily bored; I don't forgive people, I just forget them; I'm often with a resting bitch face to scare people off; I scrub really hard when I'm bathing 'cus I often feel dirty; I forget my glasses everywhere and I'm easily distracted; I don't like to force anyone to do anything and don't like to be forced.

Pets: A female American Bully named Tequila and a Parrot named Chico

Friends: My mom, and 4 friends from school (Ana, Iza, Robert and David)