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I'm so happy you updated again!

The Angels are so mysterious, but Hasiel seems the most mysterious one out of them. And so, I look forward to learning more about Hasiel. He's so, so cute and cuddly. I just want to hug Hasiel so much! 🤗

I think Arael is smarter and tougher than she seems. I wouldn't underestimate Arael just because she's unfamiliar with human customs. Although Arael is underestimated, I think she can use that to her advantage in future fights. 😏

If not a threat, I believe Joe's skills are valuable to the Angels. The Angels seem to recruit humans like Joe and the MC. This Hanael and Hasiel have similar names. 🤔

Anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting your next update. The story is getting really, really interesting! 🧐🤓

Thank you for your beautiful comment, as always you cheer us so much!

The next episodes we will explore more about Hasiel, be patient! We have thought in his arc so much. We recomended you to read the next episode of the demons, maybe It will shed light about him too.