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yes i now notice that because i was rushing in time there were a lot of bugs in the game, but the when you die you dont die i didnt knew how - wait now i realize what i dont did, i forgot Clickteam Fusion has an action that creates the thing after destroying it so... I WAS RUSHING IN TIME DONT JUDGE ME, also, i was thinking that i didnt codified Infinite Lives neither select level, also the about and back unlocks extras, ehmm, forgot about that because... you know that i was rushing in time, have i said that i was rushing in time? ok yes sometimes i annoy but well, when i can i will repair dem bugs, because how can you be a gamedev if you have a limit in time and a little brother that wants to use the pc as much as you do so... this is hard, but i will see if i can repair those bugs before the [Re]make game jam deadline... We'll see...