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Ehi there. Well done first of all.

I can see some improvements on the mouth (seems a bit bigger but probably it's just an impression). The cool polishes on the objects to eat and in general.

Some negatives that can't probably be changed are:

- when you go from the right side to the left side, you will likely miss a few items every time.

- the bananas are very difficult to eat because of the collider, and that might be a bit frustrating.

Aside these elements, it's a good game  :)


The mouth wasn't changed. Items were just tweaked to make most big items reduced in size by 10% and have a variable size between +/- 10% * a public growth multiplier.
As for the going from left to right, I can't find any instances where the moment that one food pipe closes the other opens as well. There's always enough of a pause to stay in the middle. I cannot point out predominant strategies to players as that would most likely take the fun out of discovering those strategies. If I was to tackle this issue I'd have to sadly change too much from the games fundamental code.

However, the banana is a really fair point that I can do something about. They're supposed to be some of the most difficult to eat, but I might have made them a little too hard.

Thank you so much for the feedback, I'll try my best to see what I can incorporate! :)