I like the general idea of the game, and the little backstory that you use to introduce the situation is nice. But the gameplay has a few frustrating elements (which can be intended of course). I didn't play it during the jam, but I'm very grateful that you included save points! Else I might have given up halfway somewhere haha
I think it would be a bit more intuitive to learn the controls if mowing forward was on W and turning left (berserker sword) was on A, instead the other way around. Also the positioning on the screen was a bit off-putting because you can't see very far ahead in the direction you are going. This can be by design of course, to make the situation feel more dreadful, but paired with the out of controls it might be a bit too much. I like the sound warning though when the player is approaching an enemy, it gives the right amount of help to prepare yourself but also the eery feeling not knowing where exactly the alien is gonna be and how to rotate towards them.
I agree with the other commenter, once i had the shotgun I never went back to the gun. Not having it in the center of the drone caused some frustration occasionally as I could rotate only in 45° increments, so if an alien was right in front of me, the shotgun would still miss it because it was slightly more to the right.
By the way, the tutorial messages at the beginning are a bit off screen, so the first time I played the game I was really lost and didn't understand what to do and how to turn. You tell the player keep moving forward and then W to turn. But to know that to press A again you need to be further left. Also the message telling you to press A is further down, so it feels like it was something still connected to the moving forward. It might be more clear to combine those two into one message, to understand the controls a bit faster.
I understand that you don't intend to develop this game further, so please see my comments just as general notes for your future endeavors :)