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I don't want to meet the masochist who is willing to try the no checkpoint run of this game... This was really fun to play though, definitely got those Super Meat Boy vibes while playing it. The level designs were well thought out too, almost rage quittingly difficult but enough where I felt that it could be done with enough finesse.

Usually, I would say games like this are better off split into levels, but the speedrunner aspect really works well for this jam. Aside from my wrist hurting from being so stiff while doing these jumps, I'd say my only other complaint is the lack of music. The SFX were nice, but my platforming would've been more enjoyable with a crunchy beat to jump to.

Again, this gets high marks from me. Great work getting this all done in such a short time! 😀


thanks for your detailed feedback, i was going to add music but i fell extremely sick during the last day so kinda just polished what i had and threw in a few sound effects. Also i think my personal best is technically without checkpoints because didn't take any hits during my run. so i am the masochist who is willing to do the no checkpoint run.


Well... I'll take back my statement then, because you seem cool and it would be nice to meet the dev of this clever platformer, even if it did make my hand cramp up! 😛

Sorry to hear about the sickness, hope you're feeling better now!