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I'm having the exact same issue since upgrading to 1.0.26. It seems the longer I leave the GMLive server running, the more times it reloads all my files when I start the game, sometimes it even times out entirely.

[47fe74c6|] ready! 16 live files, 0 globalvars, 55 macros, 228 scripts, 20 enums. Took 1361ms.
[0c72fd6a|] ready! 24 live files, 0 globalvars, 55 macros, 342 scripts, 20 enums. Took 1815ms.           
[47fe74c6|] timed out.                                                                                   
[0c72fd6a|] timed out.                                                                                   
[054bf51f|] ready! 32 live files, 0 globalvars, 55 macros, 456 scripts, 20 enums. Took 5043ms.