Sorry, but for now my plugin is limited to parameters. You can, of course, make one for maxPp to change with equip and the like, and one for currentPp that you could set its base to always be maxPp but lower at each use with its plus/flat and set those back to 0 with script calls.
Displaying, however, you would need another plugin to draw the gauge. Even my normal parameters are not shown by my plugin without an outside plugin, even on the status screen.
But for simpler use... may I suggest Frogboy's plugins? It has a plugin that could be perfect for those, his FROG_Health. (pretty sure you'll need his Core plugin to use it though.
Right now, I'm in the works on a new version of this one with new features including changing the default parameters too, and adding the new parameters you make to the status menu if you so wish. I guess making new resources instead of just parameters could be a good addition.