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Whaa, i'm so sad rn lol. I downloaded quite a few games and game demos today, so i didn't remember that this was just a demo and not the full game. My heart broke at the "The Demo Ends Now" Screen, literally xD

So excited for the finished game now, i really hope i don't have to wait that long.

Btw, i fell so hard for Arya :'

Hi komaeakabane! 

Thanks for visiting & telling me your thoughts! X'D I'm happy to hear you got immersed in it until the end of the demo ~ 

And wow, this is surprising OuO you still like Arya despite his obvious temper problem! I'm a little touched >\\\< 

I will do my best to hasten the production progress, so pray that I won't have any writer's block later :"D really, I think the longest process is writing & editing the script! For now, follow my update every Monday and I hope the sneak peeks will be able to satisfy you/maybe help you bear the long wait >< 

I hope to see you again~



Yeah, btw, i just saw that i didn't even tell u that you were reading my mind while creating this game, lol.

My favourite animals are 

wolves, foxes and ravens.

And we hav a Wolf, a fox and a raven dude over here, this is quite funny :'D

What a coincidence! I guess you're in luck x'D 

They're also my favourite animals <3