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1. Are you enjoying Neil's route, do you still like him/hate him?
2. What are your thoughts on Dimitri's first two chapters? Do you want to read more?
3. Who's your favourite guy out of Neil and Dimitri? Or perhaps Alex?
4. What's your favourite CG?
5. What's your favourite chapter or scene?
6. Which part was the most romantic to you?
7. Out of all of the side characters, is there anyone you would want as a date option?
8. Did you at any point get stuck on a loading screen? 
9. Were you able to create clothing using the “Design” button? 
10. Did you encounter any bugs while designing? 
11. Were you able to dress up your avatar using the “Outfit” button? 
12. Was everything easy to use, or were the menus too complicated? 
13. What did you like more, creating clothes, dressing up the avatar, or reading the story?
14. Most importantly, did you enjoy the game? :D

First answer incoming ;p I actually loved Neil since his first appeareance in the game. I dont know, but even though i really can't stand kids (not even in games lol) i kinda fell in love with the dirty Kiddo with his cute violet hairstyle. As i continued playing, i just started to love him even more, since arguing with him is kinda funny and the reactions i could chose from were exactly the same as mine in reallife. Best boy ever haha

Second, i have to be honest and say, that i didn't want to play Dimitris Route yet, since i'm pretty sure that it ends with a cliffhanger and my mind doesn't want to explode yet ;-; When there r more chapters, i'm pretty sure i wont be able to hold myself back anymore, but now i prefer waiting till the story continues a bit further.

As i mentioned before, i haven't played Dimitris Route yet, but since i read the character profiles i assume that Neil's still my favourite :)

My faviourite CG was, obviously, !SPOILER! the one with the making out on the counter, lol. The perverted side of my mind awakened at this scene, and the CG was just perfect. But i also loved the CG where !SPOILER! Neil is sitting in the cafe and tries to hide from our main protagonist behind his laptop. In general, i think your art is fantastic. Everything looks perfect to me, the lightening, the coloring and the way you drew the characters faces. At first, since this is a free VN, i expected not much, but as i started playing i began to understand how great everything is lol.

Well, as mentioned, the counter and the cafe scene ;)

I guess the whole progress of their relationship is kinda romantic, even if they're mostly fighting with each other. But i loved the !SPOILER!  first-kiss-scene at the ball since beside their passionate kiss the atmosphere was really cute.

Nah, since the only side characters i've got to know so far are Sarah and Neils Sis and i'm not really into GxG VNs :)

No, i didn't have any problems with loading screens.

Yeah, it worked out for me.

No, i didn't encounter bugs :)

Yeah, i was able to do that.

I thought it was pretty easy, if u got the principle once.

Hard choice, huh. I guess one of the many facts i'm pretty fond of the game is because it's unique. I played countless VN's but i never played one as yours. The clothing-stuff made the game felt less like a simple VN but more like a really professional game with more than just the mechanics of a VN as a base.

'Course i did ;) Im already excited for the updated Beta Version


komae :)

I dislike children in my games as well - mostly because they try to shoehorn in the "oh he's so good with kids, that's romantic!" and to someone childfree like myself, it does nothing for me, hah.  That said, most, if not all, bachelors will start with them as kids or teenagers. I will always try to give them some rapport with each other before the story begins and the MC opens up her boutique.

Happy to see you enjoy Neil's route though, and that you liked the choices you were given :) I enjoy teasing my guys in otome games, so I try to include such options as much as I can.

Dimitri's first two chapters does end up with a cliffhanger! So if you can't wait, don't read it. The next beta should hopefully also include a couple of new chapters for him, but I'll mostly be focusing on wrapping up Neil's story, which requires quite a few new sprites and lots of CGs. Currently drawing his father's sprite, actually!

And aw, thank you for the compliment. I know it's free, but I've never slacked off - I want to provide people with an enjoyable romance, with a dash of dress-up (also, I am considering a Kickstarter so I can do this fulltime). Tailor Tales has been 8 years in the making, since back then, English otome games were unheard of, and I wanted to make one for free so that everyone could enjoy otome games. Of course, making a game on your own is hard! This is the third revision of the game.

Previous versions were based more on Harvest Moon, where you were free to walk around and talk to NPCs living in your town, and you'd be collecting items to craft for your tailoring needs. Here's an in-game screenshot. I scrapped it eventually because creating NPC schedules was too exhausting, and I couldn't make the romance follow a chronological storyline that made sense. The cast has changed 3 times, with the only surviving members being Joselina (the MC) and James. Although Bill (the redhead in that screenshot) will make an appearance in James' route.

I eventually decided to turn it into a visual novel instead, with a more complex tailoring system.

Anyways, thank you for playing and your feedback!