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Hello everyone!

It's the end of day 4 and I'm just behind schedule, but I hit a major milestone so I thought I would share it with everyone. My game is going to be a walking simulator, where you can explore a run down, abandon house and a brighter, mirrored version of it, by traversing through mirrors in the game, finding and listening to cassette tapes left by the previous tenants, and potentially solving some puzzles in the two dimensions. Here's a snapshot of one of the mirror portals in action:

I like how it's looking! still one bug (which if anyone can help me out with would be amazing, i can't seem to figure out how to change the direction of the players velocity when they go through the portal. not a major bug but just kind of annoying) but the visuals are what I think is really important and so I'm glad that they're looking like they are this early on. 

I've also worked out basically the held item controls for the game, and have worked out  a way to "inspect" the held object (kind of ripped from skyrim) so that the player can read letters or find clues hidden under objects or whatnot, I'm not sure yet exactly how the mechanic will be used but I'm sure it will come in handy when building the world, so I can make letters hide messages under objects and such.

From now on it'll be a mad dash to make all the assets I'm going to need (I have like 3 pages of detailed mesh's), writing a script for the tapes, finding voice actors, and making a the world come to life. There's a lot of work to do still, (If you want to help out, feel free to let me know, I'll take all the help I can get) , but I'm really excited! I'll post again once I've started designing levels, and once I can get some nice looking renders out there.

"I like how it's looking! still one bug (which if anyone can help me out with would be amazing, i can't seem to figure out how to change the direction of the players velocity when they go through the portal.... "

Im going by memory here, but if I recall correctly, you can Get Player Controller -> Set controller rotation. Then use the portal's yaw to set the controller yaw and you should be facing the right direction when you go thru the portal :)

Thats not the problem, the person is facing the right way, but their speed is still in the same direction. I plan to rework it a little bit so that you have to be standing still anyways, but it's a strange bug!

Not sure if that will work but try to use RotateVectorAroundAxis on the player velocity and for angle use the number you get when you compare the two Z rotations of the portals. If you are also rotating some portals in X/Y you would also have to do the same for them.