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I need to ask: Can you try in another sites like GoG?

(2 edits)

Try what? Find funding? Publish it there? 
To be honest, I don't use GoG too much, as for publishing there, I don't know how there works or how much it cost to put up there. On another note, I will research now what I need to do to publish it there.

Thanks for your time.

EDIT:  I inquered about GoG and saw what is necesary for game to get published there. It don't have any monetary expenses, but the issue there is they reject a lot of games, most of the time, free2play game like mine have a low acceptance rate, unless it will have microtransactions or payed dlc's which is an incentive for a better chances (i found many forum posts about that in a very short time of me googling it). 
Alas, I will see to post a request there and may the odds be in my favor.

EDIT2: I sent my needed stuff and got confirmation email in next few seconds that they received the request. In the bottom of the email it says:"Please also have in mind that we're not interested in mobile games(including ports of mobile games), as well as free games (including freeware titles and free to play) and we will have to passs on these games as well." 

The hope was short lived.

Sorry for i didn't clarify my message.
And so bad GoG is not possible =(