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(1 edit)

Hi Nitai99, heres mine:
Its about collect gems to unlock portal, I had some of my friend tried it but....i want some opinion from people outside, so it wont be just some sugarcoated comment from friends.
I'm fine with any bad comments, jz be real, just tryin to make better games like everyone here else :D

(Well of cuz, after your sleep, this game might be irritating to be played when sleepy xD)

Edit: Others on the thread or saw this try too if u can :D


Hi, like I said the original post, I don't have a windows machine I can access easily. So right now I can't play your game but after the jam (or if you add a Mac or web build) I will come back to it.

Also, I think you forgot to say that the file is only for windows, since it doesn't say for what platform it is.

Oh, sorry for didn't read the whole thread.

Ah....I forgt to mention that, fixed it.


I am sorry, but right now I can't (and until the end of Saturday) play it and in general use electronics due to my religion.

I will come back to rate it after the jam, though.

Its ok~ At least you r replying me :D
Yea sure, hope you can play it till the end ^w^

You wrote to me about it minutes before I needed to stop :)

Anyways, I went to the page now and I can't see a Mac build.