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A topic by Nitai99 created Aug 06, 2020 Views: 1,445 Replies: 141
Viewing posts 1 to 53
Submitted (8 edits) (+1)

I'll play all games that are posted here that I can play on Mac (It needs to either have a browser or a Mac version, sorry) and give you extensive feedback (and rate it). And if you have the time I would appreciate it if you could take a look at my game and give me some feedback and rate it.

My game, AIspionage, is a stealth puzzle game where an imperfect AI controls your character. You need to use your ability to rewind time and redo a move for the AI to nudge him towards a place where he will make the right decisions and get to the secrets you are trying to steal.

EDIT: Ok, changing my business model, since I need feedback and people don't want to give feedback, only to get. So if you post your game here, also play my game and give me some feedback please.

EDIT #2: (PLEASE READ) Please don't post your game here if you don't have a Mac or a web build. Either add such a version or don't post it. I am tired of endlessly repeating that I don't have a windows machine at hand, despite the fact that I wrote in here that I don't have one.  


I would love your feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Ok, so here are my thought:

It's looks really cool, extremely polished, and the music fits really well, with the rewind and all. And most importantly, it's really fun!

But I think you should explain a bit more at the start. I... well, I didn't know you could move with the mouse and kept trying to move with [wasd] and the arrow keys. Just add a small screen where it says you move with the mouse, or even just explain the controls in the itch page, since people are gonna play it in the browser and have the itch page close by.

I also think that the guns are a bit overpowered and don't fit the game. When you use the gun you don't have to strategise at all about where you are going. You just move in a line, then rewind, and the screen is immediately cleared. Having pickups is really fun though, so maybe, if you have time, I think you should put something else instead. 

And one last thing - when I first opened it there was a black window. I waited a bit but nothing happened. Only after a couple refreshes did it work. I don't know why that could happen, but maybe look into it? I think that it might have turned me away from the game if I was just grading a couple games.


Thank you so much for your kind words. 🙏

 I was trying to not do the classic “paragraph of text” at the beginning, but I totally get what you’re saying. Also the game may take a second to load. Thanks again!


Oh ok, maybe make a loading screen so people understand that it is working. 

And I have to ask: can you please also try my game? 


of course!


Here is my game give me honest feedback


That's a really cool idea! I had a lot of fun but I couldn't get past level 7. The screen became blank and I could hear sounds but see nothing.

As for my thoughts, here they are:

1. There are problems with the jump and overall some problems with collision that I think it's really important to fix. They can be really frustrating at times.

2. The particle effects (especially for the jump) are a bit over the top, I think. I think you should consider toning down the amount a bit.

3. Maybe you could add some feedback for rewinding? Some sound or visual distortion? I think it would really add.

4. There was another thing that I thought about and can't remember... I will write another reply with it if I can remember it.


I tried to test your game and had 0 controls on the seconds screen showing the controls, kinda funny :P


Here its mine game

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

HI, the idea is cool and fun but there are 2 things that I think are really problematic and hold it back:

The death animation is really slow. Painfully slow.  And since it puts you back into "visible mode" every time you die, it takes so much time just to retry the level in blind mode. In the more tricky levels, it adds ton of busy work and frustration.

And the other thing is the controls. You don't explain that there is a double jump, and I actually don't understand, why have 2 super short jumps when you can have 1 normal jump?


Hi, thanks for doing this! I would love feedback on my game, HTML 5 version is linked on the page.

I hope it works ok for you.

I am going to bed but will check your game out in the morning, thanks!


Hello, sadly I can only see a small loading animation and then only a black screen. 


Oh that's a shame :( I had some people report issues with the HTML5 version of another game I made with Godot, might be some issue with the engine. I will upload binary builds today so maybe those will work for you.


Ok, write to me when you do it.


I have uploaded these now, please let me know if they work! Thanks.


It works perfectly (the Mac version) other than crashing every time I die in level 2. But that ok, since that is, hands down, the best game I have seen in the jam!

The art is amazing, sounds are good (other than the talking sound that can be a bit irritating when you hear it a lot), jokes amazing, gameplay is genius, everything is really really good!

I am a bit embarrassed to ask you to play my game now, but I need feedback so I have to, lol...


Thank you so much! I will see if I can reproduce and fix the crash you mentioned.

I have played your game, going to jot down some thoughts:

  • I think if you want a lot of people to play your game you should try and resolve the Java dependency. It might be hard/impossible at this stage so maybe something to consider on your next jam (i.e. changing your development platform).
  • Really like the one-action-per-level concept. Kind of a unique twist on these sorts of games though might be limiting if you add more levels.
  • I think you can remove the tile grading numbers completely and the game becomes more friendly and less complex, without losing anything. I don't think they serve a purpose. If you want to represent the AI's intended path you could use arrows (would be more readable than the numbers).
  • The rewind mechanic is somewhat convoluted, since it backtracks the AI and then allows you to move. I don't think I ever used this to move anywhere other than back along the path the AI came from, so potentially you could replace this with a simple rewind of the AI's last move (or last two moves), which would fit the theme more (but also less unique, so i don't know).
  • Starting to get picky about the presentation here, but the font wasn't super readable, and it would be nice to have the hotkeys displayed at all times (I had to look at the Itch page to remember what the rewind button was).
  • Enemies went on top of each other in one mission.
  • I had to turn the volume all the way down to make it the right volume.

Overall though I think this is a really great achievement and a unique concept. Keep it up!


Hello, thanks a lot for the feedback? 

I am not sure I understand what you said about the rewind mechanic. It just undo's the last move and allows you to redo it. I don't understand the difference between that and what you said afterwards. 


I'd love to get some early feedback if you have time. 

The game itself has a pretty basic main loop as I was aiming for small and complete without bugs, I won't have time to implement any other mechanics I had ideas for so now the game is 95% finished.

Link is:

To do/things I'm already aware of:

Settings menu needs to be implemented

Game over screen needs to give restart/main menu option rather than just automatically starting a new game.

Polish and juice it up a little if I come up with some ideas that fit the overall feel of the game


I'll try to get to your game today, but it is 3 am, so I might do it in the morning. Do you mind giving me feedback for my game too? I'm in desperate need of some feedback. 


Will do, its 2am here so it'll have to be morning for me as well. 

Wanted to get a playable build out before crashing out for the night.

Submitted (1 edit)

Wow, the game is really hard! And weirdly really really fun (didn't think that a game where you just walk and rewind tapes would be so fun)! For some reason though  I couldn't hear sounds (though I saw you added some from the credits (:.) and I think they would have made it much better. Anyways, the main thing I think you should do is explain a bit more - I didn't understand at first that you could switch between a rewound tape and a non-rewound tape in the rewinding machine to save time. But even with that trick, it was really really hard. Maybe you could make a normal mode where there aren't customers with 3 tapes, and a hard mode with those customers. But it just seems impossible to survive for long with the 3 tape customers. I don't know, think about it.

Another small thing is telegraphing whether the tape will be ready soon. That will allow for more strategising. 

I think you should try to add more depth. Maybe increase the amount of customers and add another rewind machine. It will make the game a lot more frantic and will add to the strategising you can get by telegraphing the end of the rewinding. That's just an idea that I don't think will take a lot of time to implement but will add so much more to the game, but it might be a bad idea. The main thing is - I think you should focus on adding some more depth and planning to the game, and if you can also make it quicker. Maybe make the top speed a bit higher?


I'm not sure why the sound wasn't working for you as I tried it over two devices and I can hear it on both, what OS are you using?

I was actually considering adding cash per tape and allowing up to 2 more VCRs to be purchased in the 2 spots below with a simple click.

In regards to the swapping a rewound for unwound tape, I did consider whether to provide that information straight away or leave it to be discovered, so you'd prefer to know that off the bat rather than an 'easter egg' of sorts?

With the telegraphing when a tape is finished, do you mean some kind of countdown bar etc? at the moment its set to rewind over 5 seconds and has sound attached so you can hear when its done when out of view but that isn't helpful to you if sound isn't working haha


I am using macOS.

About the swapping of tapes, I admit that it was really fun to discover it and maybe I would have lost on that if you would have just explained it at the start, but I think that since it's so important to do it to even barely survive, some players might see the game, try a couple times and see that it is extremely hard and lose motivation to play because they didn't discover that. So I don't know, I think it's a risk but it might be a risk worth taking.

And about the telegraphing, you can for example lerp the sound down slowly, starting a second or 2 before the end, instead of just stopping when it's done. Or maybe also changing the ants  on top of the machine. Or you could just do a small countdown like you said or a small bar. 

And I repeat again something that I think is really important - make is quicker. I think you should make the player move more quickly, the tapes rewind more quickly, the customers come more quickly. If what you do in this game is walk around and rewinding tapes, why not do it a lot more?


I played your game as well:


The sound is really loud even when turned down to the lowest settings so definitely needs changes made to get that sound score up, the alarm almost blew my eardrums with the headphones around my neck at 30% haha.

The sounds themselves are good though and fit the game well so keep what you have but just let people adjust it more as there was very little difference between 10% and 90% and 0% music doesn't mute the music which may make some raters unhappy.


I noticed on level 5 and 8, its was quite hard to make informed decisions on when to use rewind and the direction to choose because I'm having to plan for pathing up to 7 moves ahead across more than one enemy as well as my own redirection. For me that turned it into more of a guessing game than a strategy game as my overworked brain was fried trying to virtually map it in my head.

Level 8 was the killer for me, I really couldn't figure it out at all and didn't manage with brute force, is that level definitely clearable? It was made worse by the fact that the same square can send me both directions depending on whether I used U before the guard moved or after meaning there were twice as many combinations I have to try.


Do the numbers on the ground have a deeper meaning beyond signalling which direction the player will move? I'm not sure if that's a big piece of the logic puzzle and I just didn't understand such as some sort of 'calculation' I could make around enemy pathing.

For me I think I just need more information so I can feel like I'm in control and making conscious strategic decisions rather than brute force guessing, on the other hand I might just be too stupid to make sense of the game.


The art is pretty basic but that's because the game is focusing on the actual mechanics over environment so no issues there for me.


Control instructions were clear and easy to remember, maybe change the U button to something closer to WASD as its the only control that involves having to move your left hand


Outside of what I've mentioned above, these are just the thoughts I had while playing:

At the moment the game focuses a lot on forward playing a lot of moves ahead, what about designing some levels that use the environment such as a 2 square wide level where you have to use U when by a box in order to hide behind it, something like this then gives you a real reason to build on the mechanic over time by allowing 2 rewinds rather than 1 etc.

Add a menu while in game, I wanted to skip level 8 and check out level 9 but when I pressed esc it just exited the game so I had to reload and re-adjust the sound settings which isn't ideal.

I hope this feedback is useful, it was hard to make feedback because I struggled with the core concept.


OK, thank you so much for the in depth feedback!

I'll fix the sound, thank you! I use a really low volume on my laptop so I might have not noticed... About the options not really changing the volume, I am not sure if there is anything I can do about that. The library I was using for sound turned out to not work when exporting to windows, so I am forced to use another library which is a bit clunky with volume change.

About the difficulty, I completely agree. I tried to lower it but turns out it didn't really work... level 8 does have a solution but it is really tricky. Maybe I should add a hint after you die a couple times. 

About the numbers, yeah they don't have a lot of meaning actually other than knowing the next move, since the numbers change as the guards change. But they are supposed to give you some sense of control over it (and most of the players I asked do say that it helped), and allow you to understand the problem with the AI - that it makes move in isolation and without planning ahead. So you need to plan ahead and fix that. I am not really sure what I could add to make it clearer though. Do you think a better explanation of the AI would help?

And thank you so much for reminding me to make a pause menu! 

I will think about the two rewinds, I am just not sure if I want to do that. The tenth level originally had 2 rewinds but then I thought about it a little and found a way to do it with 1 so I removed the second rewind. I think that right now I didn't fully explore 1 rewind, so before I add another 1 I should focus on that.

And once again, thanks a lot for the feedback, it helps so much!


I would only add a second rewind if it were gonna be used in some context like I said below, getting behind cover to avoid a guard then to get back out from the cover and continue on the path. Otherwise you're adding it for the sake of adding it rather than to add an extra level of gameplay.

You're not using the built in unity audio like Audiosource, Audio Mixer etc?

As for the numbers, I'm really not sure, I may be the problem as I've never been a big puzzle guy.


Sorry for the late reply. 

Umm, yeah, I will think about adding more rewinds. Right now I want to mistly polish the levels I have, but I will try to add more if I have time. 

I don't use Unity, I used processing, a java library. 

And about the numbers, its not you, they really aren't that informative, but I think they do help people feel in control. 


Oh wait later can you also play my unfinished game here's the link PRESS ME! PASS IS: Engravings

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I will of course, but right now I can barely hold my eyes open so it will have to wait until the morning. Sorry. 


I couldn't get past the platform with the spikes... Is it because it's unfinished?

Anyways, the feeling is really interesting. A bit nauseating at first and the spinning circle doesn't help with that, but I like it. You nailed it with that (if you were going for that feeling). But I have to say though that the rewind is a bit of a stretch. It has nothing to do with the gameplay (or at least, I didn't find a way to get to a place where it has), and it is just a small screen. Almost all platforms have a restart button. So maybe, if you have time, try to add a connection between the rewind screen and the gameplay itself.

Oh and also, the text at the start of the game is a bit hard to read because of the colours in the background. Maybe you could put a transparent white rectangle over it?

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi Nitai99, heres mine:
Its about collect gems to unlock portal, I had some of my friend tried it but....i want some opinion from people outside, so it wont be just some sugarcoated comment from friends.
I'm fine with any bad comments, jz be real, just tryin to make better games like everyone here else :D

(Well of cuz, after your sleep, this game might be irritating to be played when sleepy xD)

Edit: Others on the thread or saw this try too if u can :D


Hi, like I said the original post, I don't have a windows machine I can access easily. So right now I can't play your game but after the jam (or if you add a Mac or web build) I will come back to it.

Also, I think you forgot to say that the file is only for windows, since it doesn't say for what platform it is.


Oh, sorry for didn't read the whole thread.

Ah....I forgt to mention that, fixed it.


I am sorry, but right now I can't (and until the end of Saturday) play it and in general use electronics due to my religion.

I will come back to rate it after the jam, though.


Its ok~ At least you r replying me :D
Yea sure, hope you can play it till the end ^w^


You wrote to me about it minutes before I needed to stop :)

Anyways, I went to the page now and I can't see a Mac build.

Submitted (1 edit)

I'm just here to say that I saw all the reviews you were giving, and how well done they are. Keep doing good work. It doesn't go unnoticed :D


Thanks :)


Hi! :D I really would like your opinion :)


So, I couldn't get past the first level... lol. For some reason when I press x it doesn't always record a position, and when I press z it doesn't always rewind. I tried all I could think of but I don't understand how I can get past the walled off first part of the first level - rewinding doesn't change the wall at all, and doesn't add a platform to the right. 

But I also just want to say that the tape is so cute, and it looks amazing. The default music is really really good, and the idea to let players put in their music is genius! 

Submitted (1 edit)



Hello, can you please add a web or Mac build? I can't run windows rn.


That's really great of you.  Going to give yours a run now!  Here is was I was able to put together with the time I had!


I am sorry, but due to my religion I can't use electronics during Saturday and this evening. So I will not be able to playtest your game before the jam ends, sorry. After it ends I'll be sure to come back to it and rate it and give you feedback.


No worries at all! Thanks for doing this for the community, everyone very much appreciates it.

Submitted (1 edit)

Oh... I can't run your game since it doesn't have a Mac or a web build. Right now I only have access to a Mac machine, like I said in the original post. Sorry :(

So, if you can, please add a Mac or a web build, please.


Apologies, I saw that after I had posted.


Oh it's ok, but I just want you to make a web or Mac build so I can play your game :), the idea really intrigues me


Hey I downloaded your game on windows and it said I need Java Runtime environment. This is probably just something with my specific computer, but it may stop other people from playing your game on windows. 


Hi, it is not due to your computer, it is due to how java works :). You need the java runtime environment, like my install instructions say, to run it on windows and sadly there is nothing I can do about it.


I figured, but thought I would bring it up


Hey man I need your help. I have created my page on itch and here it is: Music Rewind. Even though I have uploaded my zip files, for some reason it says in the download section that the game is unavailable and you can't download it. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch. This is my first time uploading a game to itch.


Oh nevermind, I got it


Heres my game if you would like to try it out! Feedback is always much appreciated!


I downloaded it and I can only see an exe...

What file should I run on Mac?


Unfortunately I just learned that the game doesn't run on Mac :( sorry for the incovenience


Oh, it's ok.


Here's Ours! Feedback?


For some reason safari can't run it so I am downloading chrome, I'll rate it soon. Sorry for taking so much time.


Yep. Chrome seems to like it better for some reason!


Ok, so I played it and I will leave feedback in the jam comments in a sec.


Thank you!


Ok, so I wrote some feedback there. 


Hey man, I just tried out your game again and it was awesome. I love the improvements. The art looks more polished and the visual cues of when you rewind makes it much clearer so great job on that. I like that now you can sneak up on enemies and kill them which adds more depth so that made it more interesting. I will admit though that I was kinda hoping for some more levels, but I do now how hard it can be to create new levels in Processing. In any case, I love the final outcome. One week to make AIspionage and I say job well done. I hope people give you great feedback and you learned somethings from this experience. Good luck!


Thanks a lot! I actually made a different program this time to allow me to create a level easily and generate a text file that I can translate into that level, it was so much better than creating levels by hand! I just didn't have any ideas for new levels and was a bit tired after this week so I didn't want to push myself to do it anyways. 

I'll play your game again and try to beat it this time :)


Well, here goes nothing


Amazing game! Graphics are minimalistic but really fitting, the gameplay is simple but because bullets interact with anything opens up to many possibilities, it is great!

Please, please make a post jam version with music, and maybe some more types of enemies. And also, I think it would make for a great mobile game, since the controls are really simple. 

Only thing I have to say is what you said yourself - more content, and music. Oh, and maybe change up the sound effect for activating this shield around you?


Thanks for the nice words! I will definetely look into making a newer version, but i'm not quite sure if i should continue using unity. 


Thank you for making the game!


Dream world is adventures and filled with fantasy 


Hello, please add a Mac or a web build since like I said in the original post, I don't have access to a windows machine right now.


Play my shooter game with timetravelling pistol 

Check out  below and rate it

Appreciate honest feedback


Hello, like I wrote in the original post, I don't have a windows machine right now so I need your game to either have a Mac or a Web build.


deal here's mine


Hello, I gave feedback in the jam comments.


It’s math puzzle game. It’s my first game and jam ever. Can You play and rate it? If yes, please read description. (You can play in browser.)


It’s math puzzle game. It’s my first game and jam ever. Can You play and rate it? If yes, please read description. (You can play in browser.)


Ok, left feedback in the jam comments.


Here's our game Would love if u played and rated it. :)


Hi, I wrote some stuff on the jam comments.

I am really confused (maybe I am just bad at video games?). But I would really like to give it another look, so I would appreciate it if you could explain it for me.



I wrote reply on the jam comments page, hope it clarifies how to get unstuck in progression of the game. :)

Thanks for playing and feedback!


Here is mine, have fun!  I try yours.


Hello, I rated it and wrote some feedback in the jam comments.

Submitted (1 edit)

Just a quick review and rate please:


P.S: If anyone here wants to play it and rate it, they are more than welcome.


Ok, played and rated and gave some feedback in the jam comments.




Ok, posted some feedback in the jam comments.



Ok, left a rating and some feedback in the jam comments!

Submitted (1 edit)

You can try mine, I have a mac version (tested on Catalina).


Hello, for some reason it opens the terminal...

I am not sure how to run it.


Hey could you look at my game and give me some feedback?


Played, rated, and left feedback in the jam comments.


Thank you!

Submitted a chill puzzle platformer


Ok, played and left a rating and feedback in the jam comments!

Submitted would appreciate any ratings!


Ok, played and rated and left feedback in the jam comments.


Hi!, this is our first game. We're really excited and we'd apreciate some feedback. Check our game and we'll check yours.  There's a fixed version uploaded a couple hours after the deadline, because there's a bug in the first one that stopped the player to go any further. You can rate acordding to the first version tho.

Currently we're solving the issue with the HTML build, so please download it.


Can you please add a Mac build to the fixed page so I can play it? Like I said in the original post, I don't have access to a windows machine right now.


here's mine:


Ok, played and rated and left feedback in the jam comments.


I will rate+feedback everyone’s game who plays and rate’s mine :)


Try my game out

i will check yours out


Hello, can you please add a Mac or a web build? Like I said in the original post, I don't have access to a windows machine right now.



Ok, played and rated and left feedback in the jam comments.

Mind rating and giving feedback to my game?


If you even have time after 98 other replies ;)


I'll get to it :)

Right now I have like 10 other games in the list but tomorrow I'll definitely get to it.


Ok, played, rated, and gave some feedback.

Can you please also check out my game?


Try RELOOM! - a simple puzzle game combined with some platformer jump n run components.

Check it out!


Ok, played and rated and gave you some feedback in the jam comments.

Would appreciate it if you could rate my game too.


I would like to play your game as much as I would like you to play mine! Please consider rating and leaving a comment on the submission page so I can be sure you visited.


Ok, I played it and rated and left some feedback and suggestions in the jam comments.


Here try out my game


Ok, played and rated and gave feedback.


I would love to hear your feedback! Here's my game:


Ok, played and rated and gave some feedback.


Submitted (1 edit)

How many jams did you submit this to? Lol...

Anyways, I will return to this later since this is a mobile gam.


Just found that my game can be sended for more than one xD

And every GameJam have his own auditory, so why not...

Will wait for you review! And if you have any idea for game, just say them! c:


I want some honest feedback! thank you


Sadly I can't run it for some reason, wrote the error on the jam comments, hopefully I'll be able to play your game later.


Please Rate Our game

This game is about a girl, trapped in her mind. 

After a traumatic experience the girl has fell into coma.

Trapped in her dreams, she can't remember her past.

The pieces of puzzle are representing her memories, and every piece reminds her about the past 

And when a piece is collected, she sees really what had happened, and the real steps she had taken.


Hello what is the file I need to run for macOS? I can't find anything macOS can run in the folder.


Thanks, please try my game too


I think I already played your game.


I really need some rating so I'll post mine here too. I want to know your thoughts on my game if you'd like to share them. Thanks


Hello, like I said multiple times already and specified twice in the original post, I will not be able to play games with only a windows build.


this is a adventure game


Ok, played and rated and posted some feedback in the jam comments.


Hi here is mine, have fun!


I think you have already posted this game here and I have already played it and rated it.


Pls, check my puzzle game. The main mechanic is time rewind of your bomb, but enemies react to your bomb is different ways. There are 12 levels and you can do they in any order you like.  I'd appreciate any rating

Submitted (1 edit)

Ok, played and rated and gave some feedback in the jam comments.


Wow seems like i wrote this message! I keep getting windows games and even if it says it plays on mac its a pc thing again… And your right i try to give comments about the games i play what i like and disliked. If no one tells you whats wrong how are you ever going to get better!

Going to look at your game very soon! I’m looking around for mac and browser versions and then start to play them all :)
this is mine: ( )


I would really appreciate it if you would check out my submission, thanks :)

Deleted 4 years ago
Submitted (1 edit)

This is the third time you are posting this game here.


My game: