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(1 edit) (+1)

I mean, for a first time it's not bad. 

If you want my feedback, here's what i'd improve:

-some audio would be needed. You can add an "Audio Source" to a GameObject so that it can play an audio clip. Check this video from Brackeys

-the enemy AI just tries to get close to you, witch is the simplest thing you can do, but it doesn't look too good when even the boss gets stuck and you can shoot him from the distance. I'd suggest, from easiest to more difficult, placing the layout of the level better, making the enemies shoot you and adding some path-finding algorithm (check Astar if you're curious)

-the button to return to the main menu at the end of the game doesn't work very well, try checking it's boundaries

This said, you're just ad the beginning, keep improving and you will be able to create wonders

Thanks for the Feedback ill check the button and i'll add the enemy shooting and path finding. this means a lot cause now I now what to lookout for in my game dev journey.

(1 edit)

I Have fixed some of the issues like the button(Somewhat),  and ive made it so the boss starts moving once the boss room gate closes.

also the game has random map generation.

Yes, initially i didn't notice the map generation, but that's admirable. So i guess you can't really setup the level to avoid collisions. 

Then probably a path finding algorithm would be the approach i'd use.  It's a bit more advanced, but try checking  out this video.

Also, good job on the sound effects, only maybe they are a bit too loud. You can easily adjust the volume, both from the editor and from code.

I guess the only thing missing is for the enemies to shoot at you. And about that, you can shoot through some obstacles, you they are thin enough ;)

Good work