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Will do,but please be patient because I'm currently focus on implementing a build-in web browser so you can download vrm directly inside DDM.

Import FBX/OBJ feature is already in my TODO list.

I look forward to further evolution!

Instead of support FBX/Obj, now DDM supports GLTF format instead, you can convert FBX into GLTF easily, and sketchfab also supports GLTF directly, you can download GLTF zip directly from sketchfab, and then load to DDM without unzip it,since DDM version 0.6

Is it okay to put another version in the quest? I want to put 0.5 and 0.6

Only if changed package name. But why?

0.6 > 0.5, everything 0.5 has is in 0.6. Maybe the blank area in the button panel?

I don't know because I haven't installed 0.6 yet. Does 0.6 include "Optimize texture size"? OK! I will try.Thanx

Yes of cause, Actually 0.7 is coming out with build-in web browser support, you can browse download and import skechfab models and vrm models without leaving DDM. Try it out if you have free time.

Thank you!
There is one thing I want to fulfill in the future.
I like watching Avatar dances nearby.
please Set the distance to collide with the avatar to zero.