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A member registered Nov 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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string basePath = isAndroid ? "/sdcard/DanceMaker/" : Application.persistentDataPath + "/";
string path = basePath;
if (fileExt.Equals(".vrm"))
    path += "Avatar/";
else if (fileExt.Equals(".zip"))
    path += "GLTF/";
    path += "Others/";

Here is my path logic in code, So if you download a .vrm file from vroidhub using build-in browser, the download path should be:/sdcard/DanceMaker/Avatar/

You are welcome,my email addr is

Thanks, it is temporary free for test propose.

If you made one, or find one naked vrm file,ofcause you can use it in DDM, it is all by your choice.

"Set the distance to collide with your avatar to zero." can you explain it in another way? Sorry I did not catch up with you.You can move forward or drag the model in front of you as near as you can, they should not collide with you.

I know what you mean, but I haven't figure out how to implement it yet. Maybe use video and pose recognition instead of physical movement.

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Sorry, I would like to, but I don't own a gear vr or oculus go, neither MRTK does not support 3Dof controllers, need some effort modifying MRTK to get it work. So currently oculus go support is not on schedule.

Here is the video on how to load SketchFab and Vroid Hub models inside DDM using Embed Browser

Yes of cause, Actually 0.7 is coming out with build-in web browser support, you can browse download and import skechfab models and vrm models without leaving DDM. Try it out if you have free time.

Only if changed package name. But why?

0.6 > 0.5, everything 0.5 has is in 0.6. Maybe the blank area in the button panel?

Instead of support FBX/Obj, now DDM supports GLTF format instead, you can convert FBX into GLTF easily, and sketchfab also supports GLTF directly, you can download GLTF zip directly from sketchfab, and then load to DDM without unzip it,since DDM version 0.6

Hi, checkout DDM-OC-sidequest_0.5.apk, a temply hot fix for your problem, added a checkbox called "Optimize texture size" when loading VRM model, uncheck it to allow use original texture size without scaling.

You can monitor memory usage using the profiler button, usually disable texture size optimize will cause a mass increase in memory usage.

Will do,but please be patient because I'm currently focus on implementing a build-in web browser so you can download vrm directly inside DDM.

Import FBX/OBJ feature is already in my TODO list.

Sorry, didn't consider real human skin vrm models, for most cartoon vrm models, 512*512 texture is enough.If texture size bigger than 512*512 will be rescaled in trade for low cost in memory,I'll update a new version soon to give user option of max texture size, but be aware multi texture with size >= 2048 is easier to cause out of memory because Oculus Quest memory is very limited.

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Hi,I uploaded the FBX convert tool to github,check it out at:

It's easy to convert FBX if you get used to this tool,2 steps totally:1.convert FBX to unity anims. 2.convert unity anims to DDM anims.

Jiggle bones should map to spring bones in VRM.

Here is some link I found how to covert mmd avatar to vrm format:

Anyway,It needs conversion if the avatar is not vrm format,before used in DDM.

No,sorry,you still need manually convert .PMX to unity animation(use mmd4mecanim) then converted to .anim use my unity plugin,which I would like to upload today,if everything works.

Make sure your quest is updated to latest version;enable hand tracking feature in settings;Open DDM,and put controllers away,your hands should appear automatically.

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currently it only tracks your hands,not upper bodies,I'm thinking add pose recognize feature and export animation features too,but not on schedule yet.

I'm working on embedding web browser inside DDM,so you can download everything you need within DDM,animation,models,music,etc.

Maybe pose recognize will come after web browser feature.

BVH will be supported in the next update,maybe 2 weeks later?

the fbx converter will be ready in 2 days,and I'll post it here in itch,but you need install unity game engine to use it,it is based on unity

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Hi,you can load your own avatar if it is vrm format(your can make vrm avatar use vroid app,and download vrm avatar from vroidhub),and you can open your local vrm avatar like this:

1.push your vrm avatar file into oculus quest.(using sidequest app or adb command line for example:adb push xxx.vrm /sdcard/) the "Avatar" button in the DDM(Dance Dance Maker), and you will see the load vrm dialog,then navigate to your vrm file path and open it.(If you want to navigate your path to sdcard root,simply press the first line ".." in the opened vrm file dialog)

For animation cases,you need a custom tool to convert FBX animations into DDM supported format,and then load it like the above process,but press "Anim" button instead,it will open anim file load dialog.  Or you can wait for an upgrade, DDM will support BVH animation directly.

For temp animation solution, you can send the animation you want to use to me,and I'll convert it for you(.FBX to .anim format).