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Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

I...I cant pick at all. All three of them are amazing , I played in this order: Mitra, Reksa and Rama. Tba I just went with my own knowledge with Mitra using every choice in the game to go bother him (and at the time I dident like Rama). When there was no choice about Mitra, I'd just pick whatever and go with it. So, basically with Reksa, *bam!* walkthrough. (yes my abilities with picking are useless). I loved Reksa because how he was, his primative nature was so adorable, TBH i love possesive people like Reksa but just not to the point where It becomes yandere and kills all my friends like in anime! :D . Anyway, with Rama...I found out I actually liked his char when I was heartbroken when he died in Mitra's route. I was all like TTTTTTTTTTT>TTTTT. I know, im sensitive! Even then IM STILL FIGRURING OUT HIS ROUTE RIGHT NOW! I keep getting the option for ONLY the explosives and im just like determed AF to get his good route. EVEN THE FREAKING WALKTHROUGH HAS ME CONFUSED. In the Walkthrough it says:

Ask Rama about his action. In game it says: Ask Mitra about his action. So, I picked that and I think thats my mistake. Im going back RN to pick the other one. At this point I've memorized almost everypart of the Walkthrough.

What makes you consider to play this game?

TBH I was on a spree on finding stories like this one in that has some element of dating in it. (I was mostly looking for gay ones shhh)

Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most?

Oh. My GOSH!  The most thing that stood out for me was this ONE WORD in one of the choices, I cant even rember what choice at this point! (damn you rama) It says: suppsed or somethng along thoes lines but it bothered me. But I LOVED this novel regardless! My daydreams are filled with Mitra, Reksa and Rama! I blame it on my love for reading.

Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.

All I ask: Help me with Rama.  The freaking walkthrough confuses me. And I dont think Im the greatest person to ask for critiques , I'm blinder than a blind person.  I love everything in this novel

Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Yes, FRACK yes. Either one, IDK.  I dont have a credit card and Im not going up to my parents and be like :  "hey can I buy a visual novel" parents: "whats it about" me:" NEVER MIND"

I just Need help with Rama. Its bothering the heeeck otta me. I hope you make a series otta this!

Edit: YES YES YES I GOT IT. YOUR WIKI CONFUSED ME TOO MUCH BUT I FOUND IT. im so happi x.x Sixtynine -and whoa, I feel your struggle with Rama's route x'D
I was preparing to post the walkthrough here, but I guess you already found his happy ending? O.O Ah but I'll post the important points here just in case >< 

*SPOILER ALERT*Rama's walkthrough:

1. - Learn Language w/ Granny Sukma

- Poke/Knock/Throw
- When you first time meet Mitra, Rama, & Reksa:
>Mitra: Choose anything
>Rama: Be friendly
>Reksa: To unlock Rama's good end you have to choose >>> Don't leave him >>> Be honest or just don't save Reksa at all :'D You have to focus all your affection to Rama or you'll get the bad ending. Yep, he is jealous very easily & very possessive.
- Choose everything 
- Spend time with Asih
- Spend some time with the kids
- Spend some time with Rama
- Go to the Herb forest >>> Try it
- Spend some time with Rama
- Take a rest in Herb forest >>> Ask Rama about his action
- Spend some time with Rama
- Take a walk
- Talk with Asih about Rama
- Ask the villagers about Rama
- Automatic event >>> Don't avert your eyes
- Go help Granny
- Automatic event 
- Visit Rama
- Visit Rama

GOOD END: Give him the Pink Chrystal
Bad End: Give him the explosives

I read that this walkthrough gets you confused O.O; hmm, but the important note is: Avoid other bachelor as much as you can and spend time with Rama as much as you can!

And yes, one mistake will end up with Rama's bad end :'D I know it's harsh, but that's they way Rama is hahah -please forgive this creator ><

2. lol, it always when I see people stumble upon my 'baby' & ended up loving them x'D

3. ...Which word? lol, now you're making me curious x'D nevertheless, I'm happy you like the story & Rama so much! I was worried at how people will take my story since it's entirely new and not-so-mainstream, but I'm glad you like it!

4. I hope this problem is already resolved ><

5. Don't worry, your enthusiasm & support is already more than enough at this point QuQ I do have a new project that is now LIVE in Indiegogo though >>> 
I know your difficulties since I also don't have a credit card until recently :'D but just help me spread the words & I'll be very happy <3

Once again, thank you for playing & showing me how much you love Winged Ones! I hope you get to see all the scenes/endings & hope to see you again!


I don't get it...I've picked what you typed in your walkthrough EXACTLY every time, yet I can't get a good ending. I experimented with how I met the bachelors and what choices I picked after your walkthrough ends but NOTHING WORKS! I REALLY like Rama's story so far, but I'm starting to hate him because of his route... (Also, "Ask Rama about his action" is a combination of both choices so I have no idea which one you actually meant)

That's weird O.O; 
I have another person asking the same thing but after choosing 'Be Honest' with Reksa, it worked.

As for "Ask Rama about his action"... I mean "Ask Rama for his condition" sorry >< I thought I already explained to ignore Mitra and Reksa if you want his good ending? x_x

Rama is a very jealous person and hates liars, so you won't get his happy ending if you miss one of his scenes or see one of Mitra's scenes. I admit that his route is quite tricky though ^^; 

Good luck!