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(1 edit) (+1)

Great game! Rated it.

Things I Liked:

  • A decent music loop!
  • The rewinding animation is very smooth and it's interesting
  • Puzzles are challenging. Found myself with a mini-headache trying to solve number 5 since I had no idea one of the doors was opening! I eventually figured it out though! :) 
  • I loved the visuals! Everything is simple yet cool to look at!

Things I Didn't Like:

  • I thought I completed the game (forgot there was 15 levels) because when I finished level 5 the game sent me back to the main menu. So I closed the game, thinking I was done. Then I saw the screenshots on this page and noticed I missed a lot! So I recommend you send the player back to the level screen instead of the main menu screen. Or just send them to level 6 directly.
  • It's hard to figure out what's happening in the levels... Like level 5 and 10. How was I supposed to know that an electric grid would be on the floor after I flipped a switch? I died because of it and then quit the game. It felt like an unfair death, not knowing there's a new electric grid on the floor in a room that I was in before. Maybe instead of forcing us to reset the level, you can allow us to rewind to a time before we died. Then it wouldn't feel like I wasted all that time trying to figure out a puzzle before dying.

Thanks for your opinion! I agree with everythin you said. One week is not enough to improve every single detail, especialy when you can't waist time for letting your friends test it. After the Jam ends, I'll release an update with bug fixes, improvements and more levels!  

(1 edit)

Yeah one week is definitely tough, agreed! 

It was still a great game regardless! 

And Brackeys says it multiple times in his videos, but playtesting is never a waste of time 😁 Even if it takes away from development time.