It is a great idea, i like the gameplay. The slowmo mechanic is well implemented. It is a bit too hard though. The things i would improve:
-Limit the cars spawning in a lane, so they dont spawn in a lane in which a car is at the very start (it is kinda frustrating when a car appears and you have like 0.1 sec to react to it)
-Cars acceleration after changing direction should be a bit faster
-Apply sounds (At least a background song), would make the game way more appealing
-UI in the main menu is a bit out of position (it is easy to fix so no big deal)
-I dont know how you win points, some feedback to the player of when he wins a point and when he doesnt would be fine.
-Make it a little bit easier at least at the beggining
-Some spelling issues (Making, not makeing)
It is a really interesting concept of a game, and can be expanded a lot, with more levels and different roads, it could be a great game. Congrats!