Ok, i promise you some feedback, and here it is: (Sorry for being late but this days i have some problem with the router)
- Basically i don't have many problem with the game, the art and music are very cool, the gameplay has some flaws imo, but it's fun, the experience is a little bit short maybe and the game polish (which is already great to begin with, btw) could've been better with some more time, but with the little time that you had it's more than understandable... Ok, actual feedback this time:
- The jam theme, beside the story isn't much prevalent in your game, but like i said before, it's understandble with the little time you had...
- The cursor is shaped like a "sight", like the one in the old console game where you had to point a gun controller to the tv, but when you shoot the ship shoots forward. What is the purpose of that feedback, if it even has one???
- 3 life, + the shield??? Ok, i get it, you basically don't want me to die... 🤣
- If playing in a cautios/defensive way, the game it's too easy, especially with the problem above
- Talking about the player playstyle, the game dosen't encourage well enough to play in a more risky way (a.k.a. shooting at the enemy), other than a score...
- If the score is the central focus of your game (wich i think it is), make it bigger and more visible
- The speed powerup isn't really a powerup, than a hidden enemy... Most of the time i'll tend to avoid it because of that
- The shield powerup and the double shoot powerup are barely reconizble from one another... Not that it matter that much, but... (at first when i get the double shoot one i tought i was collecting the shield one, and expected some shield... 😅)
- Also, talking about power up, give more feedback like a text over the ship that said "SHIELD-UP", more satisfying and the power up feels more important that way...
- The boss is easy to dodge... In fact, you don't have to dodge, at all... The rush attach can be doge just by being far away enough and the projectle it shoots they are barely a problem...
- Why it goes in the final black hole at the end, can't he just shoot it and destroy from the outside??? And what happened to the black holes in the future?? Give mi more story, I'm thirsty for it...
- I see what you did at the end... Luckly for you, i was already subsribed to begin with... 😉