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I had fun with it was good although I had a few things that did set me back a bit in  getting into the flow of it.

First off the collision for some objects were a bit unclear because I kept stopping on things that I didn't expect to in which items the character carries gets also stopped by.  The second one is from interacting with the items which incidentally is also related to the first one,  early on when I picked up an item and I'd get stuck I wasn't sure if I was still carrying said item. Another instance is when the player jumps back to the present after the rewind where the item stops getting carried, it didn't really feel like, to me at least, I was carrying an item around. Maybe having a clearer visual feedback that I am carrying or not carrying something might've helped. Lastly is the visual clarification and feedback of the UI where if your oxygen tank is drained it starts draining your HP. In the 1st or 2nd stage I was still trying to figure out how I'm not dead yet when my O2 tank is already depleted, it was only when I finally noticed my HP bar draining did I get it. Maybe have a glow effect on the HP when it starts to deplete so it would be more noticeable.

I honestly did have fun with the game though and the puzzle were challenging (and a bit frustrating lol). The rewind mechanic you had reminded me of that one stage in Titanfall 2  where you switch between past and present was pretty cool. Your art was top notch as well!

Great work on the game!