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(1 edit) (+1)

Seconding Nowis-337's comments, the sprites were super cool! Alas, the save file deleting on game shutdown had me playing 2/3 of the game twice (and turning off fullscreen again). My bad for not reading through the recent comments before starting :)

I'd also say great job on creating such a complex system of skills, items, and even crafting in just 5 days. The maps were fairly sparse, but the deeper complexity of the actor advancement mechanics, and the cool battles, more than made up for it.

Edit: another positive note I forgot to add, I appreciated you including the Quantum Leap spell, it was highly convenient.

Did you use slot 1? Slot 1 is autosave.  

Thanks a bunch, I'm glad that you liked it.

I believe I saved in Slot 1 and Slot 2 both my first time through, then I had to step away for a bit so I closed it out.

When I fired it back up both were empty. At what point does it auto-save?

Not a huge deal, it's a short enough quest that it can definitely be completed in a single session, I just got pulled away. I had fun the second time through too, so no worries.

(2 edits)

Okay, that definettly shouldn't happen. I'll see what caused it to do that.

I'm glad that you liked the game.

EDIT: I fixed it, but I can't upload the fixed version since the gamejam is going on.

Here's the fixed game link