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Very neat game! Simple concept, but a very well done execution. I was surprised by the boss fight and found that I really enjoyed it. Only points of critique are that I didn’t find myself really needing to use the pause mechanic, I wish that I could cancel the pause early, and it would be nice if it told me in game something more like “Press X to pause!” as finding that button took me a bit. Also, not sure if you’re aware of this bug, but if you pause the game (actually pause) and then just wait, time will skip forward and you can even clear the level without doing anything


And after 4 different beta testers! Guess that still wasn't quite enough for all the bugs :P We're glad that you had a fun time with Hit the Brakes!


Thanks to you, we've patched out those bugs, and added in the ability to cancel a pause! Which wasn't even something I had considered before you brought it up, but after implementing it I find myself using it all the time, so thank you very much! We'd love to talk to you about what else we're adding.