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Well, this seems like a pretty good start. The art is good, and helps to reinforce the creepy vibe. The music is just wonderful, and I found the protagonist to be relatable.

There’s a nice spooky feel running throughout, based on little creepy touches rather than cheap scares. There’s just a bulding sense of dread that I enjoyed. Unfortunately it ends just when it’s getting really good, but that’s a demo for you!

The puzzles were fun, if a bit simple, but there was a nice adventure game feel to it that I really appreciated. I’d suggest continuing to rely on puzzles and classic adventure game elements for game play, although you should avoid Moon Logic if you can; it’s fun in comedy games, and annoying anywhere else. A chase scene or two might ramp up the tension and give a purpose to the run key other than just moving around a bit faster, but I like the current vibe.

Keep up the good work, guys! I look forward to the final version!