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Hey man, great to see your game !

Here is some detailed pros and cons for you.


-Love the rewind mechanics

-Really like the shoot to get further mechanics

-The art was clean

-The sounds were fine and feedback was present when enemy got hit


- Was really hard to jump from platform to platform as I was getting stuck at every slope or even wall (To fix this just make your character collider into a box and a circle. Id also recommend making it 0 friction as that would just make character fall instead of getting stuck)

-The level design was a bit difficult

-The reloading was not probably necessary as you would have been fine with a very low rate of fire and less boost from it to compensate for the rate of fire. I sometimes found myself forgetting to reload.

-Overall needs some polishing to give it the great feel it deserves.

Overall pretty good game if i say so hah. Hope you dont take this personally and approach this pros and cons with open mind.

If it is not a big bother id ask you to check my game out if possible as that will really help to progress it. 

Thanks again and wish you good luck !