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A member registered Jul 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Gotcha fam )

Thank you very much. Lack of time didnt let me playtest or i would have fixed the ammount of enemies spawned. I will fix that in the later update though. Thanks again for such great comment. 

Thank you very much. You were the first person telling me how far you got. I didnt implement enemy feedback which would have helped quite a lot. Id make it so much better for future and will add controller support which will feel much better than the current mouse. Thanks again i appreciate you!

Thanks my friend. I spent 100 hours on this project in one week. Luckily i achieved something people love. Thanks for your comment. I will be adding sfx for next update.

I personally use FL Studio. Give it a shot, you might like it. 

Oh thank you. I will definitely look into it 

Thank you ! I am curious as to how the audio sounded as it was supposed to restart any time you play and also it should change to boss fight music whenever you reach the boss. If possible send me a sample in discord and i will definitely check it out and fix it. Thank you very much ! 

Definitely let me know and if you need help as well. Id definitely be able to help you achieve your goals !

Love it, absolutely fun to play ! Secrets are so worthy to find  and give quite a lot of satisfaction when finding. Fit the theme as you rewind tape as you go. One of my favorite games in this jam so far. 

One thing id like to be added is more length to the level because completing the game felt sad as i loved it so much i wanted it to continue endlessly. Keep me updated for any future of this project id definitely love to play it  and also if you need any help hit me up im always up to help everyone !

If possible give my game a shot as well and tell me how you like it. Thanks for making this masterpiece. 

This game seems nice to play with friends. Also luckily parsec works !

I tried rewinding couple times with no effect I dont know how it was supposed to look or work but at least you had it in there. For a jam game this was a solid attempt though id like it more if you made the enemy AI instead of waiting for a person to join with parsec or having someone come over to play it. Id say thats the only main issue, another issue is projectile speed. it seemed too slow so if i were you id definitely look into making it faster. 

Overall pretty fun project and when playing with someone you loose track of time. Keep me updated on the future of the project and thanks for making this !

If you have some spare time and are available give my game a go as well and leave some feedback for it as id love to hear many different opinions for future development. Thank you and cheers ! 

(1 edit)

One of my top rates in this game jam. The game is FUN and i mean it. Just putting it to insane and shooting everywhere in hopes of survival gives such a nice and complicated feeling of success when you kill many enemies and the timer becomes green just to then hit a spike or a bullet and die giving you a SECOND CHANCE. 

I have 0 things bad to say about the game. it played and felt polished. Definitely keep me updated for any future updates that you plan on the game. Would love different types of enemies and hopefully keep the shapes as simple as this were they give better feeling than if they werent so simple. 

Also if you some free time check out my game and share your thoughts on it as i will be continuing the development for that project. 

Truly brilliant.  The best game of the jam right here. It was polished, it had great mechanics. It was interesting to play explore and fail at some points as well. Make sure you complete it if you intend on playing it. Absolute madlad iv2b !! Every aspect of the game was enjoyable. I have no cons about this game except the length id love to play this for hours due to the adrenaline rush it gives.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed this game til its last. Such simple yet challenging game !


-Sound design is amazing(As i see you took it under cc0 licencse, but still great choice)

-Visuals look phenomenal

-Love the feel of the game


-Sometimes it felt repetitive to continue as one to many triangles spawned.

-More variety to enemy types or the mechanics would have been a charm as like this it gets somewhat boring after a while, also frustrating. 

Overall really polished game, love almost everything in it. Some additions are quite needed sometimes but other than that an amazing game! Thanks for making it.

If possible leave some feedback on my game as well as i too plan to make it post jam.

Really like the feeling of the game. It is quite relaxing and difficult. One suggestion I have with it is to have the enemy bullets not despawn whenever black heart dies. Other than that really good looking visuals, simple concept great execution. I really like how time slows down as it rewinds, gives a really nice feeling to it. Overall pretty polished, fun and enjoyable to play. Thanks for making it! 

Thank you, I will make it much more better during the post jam development and will try to keep the theme as it seems a good mechanic to have. 

If i had tiny more time i would have implemented many more ideas and removed some gamebreaking bugs. I will make sure to add it til its release to loose the feeling of being a ripoff. Thanks for the constructive comment!

thanks for finding the bugs. I had to make the level transitions at the last moment haha. They were quite buggy and the health is a result of not putting equal sign in less than or equals to zero haha. Thank you very much and for post jam i will improve it all. 

thanks very much for the feedback. Unfortunately the rewind broke right at the end when building the project. The feedback is very valuable and id definitely add all of those to my list for the future. Thank you very much again and wish you good luck in everything. 

thank you very much. Due to lack of time i got too unoriginal but post jam j want to change quite a lot about this game and maybe if possble get it to release. Really appreciate the detailed feedback and how well you explain it all. Thank you very much my friend. 

Amazing graphics,  I encountered a bug during gameplay where i fell of the bridge but other than that it was really fun to play. This game really went under radar for many people ! I dont know if it is a bug or not but i did not see a single enemy. Anyways really fun game with really fun graphics. Love that you made it in UE4 and wish you good luck. Hope this game gets highlighted for its visuals !

Then that method would work perfectly haha, Also would be way easier to play. 

I think if I was able to throw my friend at where my mouse was pointing it would be good. You can also do it like my game where it calculates the angle of the mouse from player and has 8 different directions it can be shot to

No we just do stuff until it works haha use unity documentations or other sources you can find. Anything that works and gives you the satisfaction is awesome !

Hey man here we go with constructive criticism )


-Love the artstyle 

-As we spoke in discord and you told me it is procedural level generation! That part was awesome always loved procedural generated maps

-Love how you can fling your buddy at the enemy haha 


-The enemies are a bit difficult to kill because they dont always go on a straight trajectory they like to go diagonally at you and as you can throw your bud just horizontally it kind of makes it hard to hit them.

-Tutorial or instructions would have been nice as i had to message you to figure out that you can fling the friend at enemies.

-Some visual feedback other than hp that mage has been hit.

-Also you can make the enemy attack the mage then run away from it for some distance until coming back to attack again. 

I see ! Thanks for letting me know and I wish you guys great success with the future of the projects. Definitely spent some time developing games just for fun and not even for jams just together to teach you guys. I was solo dev but when i worked in studio thats what we did. Just made random games with small teams sometimes to get bonding and learn a lot.

Hey man ! Pretty fun little shooter you got there. 

Id get to the sweet ol criticism for you


-As a fan of star wars I approve (Except making me kill BB-8, that was cruel haha)

-The levels are very simple and can hold quite many enemies. 

-Like the super hot feel to it

-Music was dope hope you made it !


-The game is cool that it is 3d but the 2d sprites dont work with it well

-At the end of second level you can choose to fight infinitely and the buttons dont work. I press escape to get my mouse and after pressing them nothing happens.

-I dont really like the way collision works in the game sometimes they just dont work. 

If you are thinking of continuing this game I hope you add vsync as my screen was really teary at some parts. Here is my honest little opinion about you game. This is not supposed to offend you so approach it with open mind my friend. Would definitely love if you could check out my game as well and leave a detailed feedback as it really helps for post jam development.

Thank you very much  and hope you do well!

Your favorite

- Vahe ;)

Hey my friend, was looking forward to playing your game. Here is my honest descriptive criticism for it.


-Love the ggs mate haha the name was phenomenal but i know you didnt go for it

- At first game had a good feel for it, I could do almost all i was instructed to but then it took a turn which i will get to in the cons.

-The sound of the shot was pretty solid nothing too much nothing too little and i didnt have audio bugs which are pretty common during game jams.


- instructions are not designed for 4k i can assume they are on one half of the screen and look quite small to read that can be said with other elements such as the buttons on the middle of my screen

- The dinosaurs looked very janky turning halfway and sometimes even going underground

- After killing enough dinos, dying and being able to rewind time was a good idea but sadly the execution was poor. My character did not regain half health(might be due to the UI bug) but other than that I could walk while rewinding which made it bug out and rewind me while i was moving making me sometime drop in with the cacti haha

Overall pretty fun experience if i say so myself ! This is not supposed to offend you or make it seem like your game isnt good. I hope you read this with an open mind my friend! Would appreciate if you could leave a detailed feedback about my game as well.

Thank you very much! 

Hey my friend, enjoyed your game very much. Here is a detailed pros and cons for you!


-I love the idea of the game

-The rewinding works like a charm

-Level design is simple yet challenging


-I would love to see adjustable mouse sensitivity and also i would like it to be capped at rotating because sometimes i rotate my camera up and the whole world inverts

- Would love to have rewinding to be either time thing where you can rewind once every 5 seconds or something, or one time only. Because with spamming w and rewind i could complete levels without any problems

- Some little sound issues whenever i spam w and shift it plays the sound non stop which can get pretty loud.

Other than that, great game, love the style love the way it is played. Please take this criticism with open mind, i was not trying to offend you if you got offended by this. Would love if you could check mine out as well and leave such criticism as all of that helps with my future development.

Thank you very much and good luck to you !

Hey man, great to see your game !

Here is some detailed pros and cons for you.


-Love the rewind mechanics

-Really like the shoot to get further mechanics

-The art was clean

-The sounds were fine and feedback was present when enemy got hit


- Was really hard to jump from platform to platform as I was getting stuck at every slope or even wall (To fix this just make your character collider into a box and a circle. Id also recommend making it 0 friction as that would just make character fall instead of getting stuck)

-The level design was a bit difficult

-The reloading was not probably necessary as you would have been fine with a very low rate of fire and less boost from it to compensate for the rate of fire. I sometimes found myself forgetting to reload.

-Overall needs some polishing to give it the great feel it deserves.

Overall pretty good game if i say so hah. Hope you dont take this personally and approach this pros and cons with open mind.

If it is not a big bother id ask you to check my game out if possible as that will really help to progress it. 

Thanks again and wish you good luck !

I will give it a try right now ! Thanks for letting me know !

Hey my friend, here is a detailed criticism and things that i liked in your game. Read it through and see what can be improved upon. 


- Design is cool

-Soundtrack is fun but can get annoying sometimes


-Setup is very sketchy

-The animation at the start, cuts and comes back 

-For some reason I could not pass the first level, two "poopies" were going the other direction and with no weapons I could not kill them and they just stood there

-The controls are not great but I have seen worse, the player keeps drifting away from cursor when he is walking and considering the small scale of the map it is not effective and kind of gets you into enemies

Sorry for harsh criticism but unless someone says this then you wont learn from it. Thanks for reading it all and hope you can give my game a shot as well. Here is the link for you. 

The game is pretty fun to play at first, but there are some things that are not enjoyable


-Pretty simple in design

-Particles are used in a fun, and visually pleasing way

-Audio feedback is great


-UI elements sometimes appear outside the screen (might be just for me, i use 4k screen btw)

-The game is overall not very rich with enemy types though I think making enemies was not very challenging for this project. 

- The background could have been used in a different manner, right now it kind of makes your eyes wonky

-Would love some glow effects 

That is pretty much all I have for this game, it is really fun to play though.  If you like this review than possibly give my game a shot as well, here is the link

Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. I want to give everyone an opportunity to have their games played so I want to get as many games here as possible.

I will go through each one whenever I can get to it and play it, rate it and give as honest opinion as i can. I will dedicated time to each game to play it and analyze it thoroughly. After that I will gave your game a rating and a detailed feedback/criticism . 

As always id love if you gave my game a go and checked it out so here is the link to it. 1930s. I hope you enjoy it as much as i will enjoy your games.

Thanks for doing this ! 

Here is mine 1930s

The game is something ive never seen done before. 

Amazing parts: 

-Love the sound whenever you get the answer wrong( It will give me nightmares for quite a long time)

-Love the settings and how in place everything looked

-Character jiggling was really funny to see

Things Id want improved:

- The rewind buttons seemed out of place

-The answers could have been made in a different way which is more eye pleasing but i still like the fingerprints

I don't have a lot of ideas to get it improved but definitely would play this outside game jam just for the fun of it.

Thanks Alex! 

Great concept. I have a 4k screen so it was pretty difficult to play with this resolution but overall id say it was unique and fun to play. At first it was confusing but then i understood how it all works. Thanks for making it !

Thanks man i didnt have much time to make it all but I will for sure make it better post jam!

Really really love this game ! It is really nice to see how the game comes together after getting corrupted. Thanks for making it!

The design of the game is phenomenal and enjoyable to the eye. The mechanics are amazing. One suggestion id have is instead of playing the moves in order, it was played backwards heh would have fitted the theme more. Other than that I have 0 bad things to say about this game. It was gorgeous and simple yet complicated hehe. With this you can make a really good procedural generating map for infinite levels. Hit me up at Discord Vahe M.#1173 if you would want some help making the procedural generation and id love to get this released on mobiles. Thanks again for making it!