Hey, I played it and finished it. To start, the art is very nice, simple but very well done, even for small details like the box appearing at the end of each level, so thats fun. However, for music, I don't understund your choice; actually, It is good, the music itself, but it just does not match what is happening in the game, it is loud and too big for it, when I hear this music I think for example about a boss in a funny platformer... Moreover, the game is too boring, I don't understund the goal about it, you have to wait 8 seconds each time you put the vhs, the gameplay and using of the theme of rewind isn't that much impressive. To finish, there are too many bugs, the ground is disappreaing in a lot of places and we can walk through the gray ground where we should not walk, so we can generally go behind closed doors with no need to find the key. The whole good thing about this is the art...