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A member registered Jul 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool, I really enjoyed it just would like to see a saving system.
I like the screenshakes, but yeah people hate it when  there are too much. Me too I got complaint about it in a shooter

yeah even the other game wasn't uploaded, I'm gonna remove the submission

Mades by Brackeys haha


In my country, we have holidays this week, I'm too lucky

The shoke when get access to the 3d game with a polished environment after the menu, and that's with such a parodical music hah

What could work is giving and getting good feedbacks

Well, everyone found that difficult, will try to make it easier for a final version. Thank you

Will maybe give you a constructive review

(2 edits)

Nope, not certainly, it's said at the faq post

Here is mine

I've seen someone talking about it few hours before and I played it. cool game.

here is mine, thanks

gonna see it

it's a bug that happens if you jump at the position of beginnong, you can load it if you want to play it later. Thank you! I'm interested by reviews

Hey, I played it, and I think it's too far the best game about rewinding vhs in this jam.

I liked the idea, and this nostalgia about our old good films ( and  I felt in love with cinema before falling  in love with video games); I liked also the very rhytmic gameplay. This last point lead to another one which annoy me: the game is too slow, due to lag. Iknow that this may be caused by developping it for the web. You should have known for that, but ok it' a jam... I, unfortunatly, got an error that made the game freeze completely, and that ruined my experience. Some other details are good, like the design, and graphics with the good using of blender... It will be infinitely  better if you optimize it ,i'm looking forward for it!

Thanks will see your game tomorrow if I can, and if I do I will surely give you a detailed feedback!

Oh cool, that's what I wan't, that people can reach that level. Yeah it's indeed hard that level, too hard, but I did it. Will show a screenchot if I find it. And thanks for your feedback!

Hello everyone,

I just want to talk about this jam, and share with you my feeling about it and also know about yours.  Well, that was my first jam, I just started making prototypes since few months ago; I wasn't disapointed, I could make some friends here, and the community of gamemakers is a very nice community with a sense of sharing knowledge and asking for it... I did not get a lot of feedback about my little game, but could get  some very constructive ones and that's too important for me, it is helping me a lot and I am really glad  about it.  There is just one thing I did wrong: difficulty. In my mind, I said: "In this community, people know a lot about video games, they may have played a lot, they could finish God of War and Dark Souls for exemple" So I made it difficult, and I think an annoying little bug did not help so much. But it's the past, and it's okey for me know I will get better and I know now that difficulty (only) is not what can make a good video-game... I want also to talk about work of other people. Before, I could not figure out that so much people could work together for a jam, but there were a lot of teams and that very cool to see! Moreover, some games were really good, in need of improvements of corse but I liked usually the unique ideas in each one; I thought at  the beginning that games using a mechanic like mine would be a lot but no, I found just one using a near mechanic! So, several  times, I played games that surprised like Western Shootout or Time Seek or a game talking about first mans. That is magic, to let yourself submerged in others ideas! I feel bad for not playing too much game, if you read this you can write me the best ones you found, but I really passed a good time; thanks to everyone, and thank you, you who are reading this for making games!

That's cool you could reach that level, most of people  stuck at level 2 (and level 1 isn't really a level). And thanks for your feedback i'm really glad!

Okey, will play it tomorrow and give you a detailed feedback as I do for most games I play

Hey, I played it and finished  it. To start, the art is very nice, simple but very well done, even for small details like the box appearing at the end of each level, so thats fun.  However, for music, I don't understund your choice; actually, It is good, the music itself, but it just does not match what is happening in the game, it is loud and too big for it, when I hear this music I think for example about a boss in a funny  platformer... Moreover, the game is too boring, I don't understund the goal about it, you have to wait 8 seconds each time you put the vhs,  the gameplay and using of the theme of rewind isn't that much impressive. To finish, there are too many bugs,  the ground is disappreaing in a lot of places and we can walk through the gray ground where we should not walk, so we can generally go behind closed doors with no need to find the key. The whole good thing about this is the art...

I'm gonna play it today and give you a detailed feedback!

Yeah it's a bug I forgot to fix,  for the jump  at the beginning, sorry for that... Thank you for your feedback!

Very cool for the music, you are really talented in it! I will keep playing the game to hear it!

(1 edit)

I've never played Doom but who does not know Doom by other games, it really created the fps; you in the other hand, I think you played Doom, the original, and you are know presenting you vision of Doom the thing which is very nice. First I wanna ask: Is the goal of the game to survive as longer as you can? And know lets do the same kind of review you do to be organized:


Things I enjoyed:

-The smooth camera, it is not too obvious how to make it as perfect, too much developpers get stuck at that.

-The atmosphere of the hell which is ponctuated by small details like the smooth and red sky that I loved too much

-The assets that seem handmade

-The well choose of the music and the good sound design

-The fact that both weapons, the shotgun and the gun, are fun and give satisfaction while shooting


Things that need  improvement (or things i didn't like as other things):

-Graphics of ennemy? But it's a question of style

-Respawn, you should make enemies inactive for at least two seconds

-It's only one wave in the game I would prefered levels

- more types of ennemies, but okey that was a jam

-The thing that the theme isn't present. The rewind mechanic isn't that impressive or different from actual respawn


Really good job, I really felt playing in an actual game not made only for a jam! Continue like that, I'm looking forward for a final version of this; Valar Dohaeris!

The second level it's easy just see the screenshot in posted in the reply of another comment! Thanks for your feedbak!

Hey, when I've first seen this game, I said to myself: it's very ordinary, anyway lets try it, but that's not true, it is a very nice game and a remarkable one, there is a certain flow in it due to its mechanic which is punctuated by the music, the kind of game you really enjoy playing, the assets are beautiful alghough I find the place where we play kinda empty but that's forgivable. And oh my god that western ambiance, it's just coool! Finally the music, I could listen it for a long while without nothing else! By the way, it's made by who?(because the generic bugs at the part when you talk about assets I could not see it). Good job, highly rated by me!