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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, first of all I love the sound and feel of this game. Very well done! I want more! :D I only have one question. There is this one monster that charges at you, then seems to hide and catch it's breath before charging at me again. I cannot reliably seem to target/hit it. There is an alert sound that increases in pitch that plays near the monster, but even trying to go for it does not seem to work. I thought that I had to be facing the monster a certain way to hit it, but I can't seem to figure that out either. I always die to it in the very last fight no matter what I do. I can fiddle my way around combatting it through the first 3 floors, but in the last battle there are just too many to brute force it. Am I doing something wrong? 

That monster is one of the most difficult ones; It has armor on the front and a weakpoint on the back.

Something that might help is understanding the sword swings; Right mouse button will swing your sword from Right to Left. Left mouse does the opposite. 
If you hear the monster panting on your left side, try to use the sword from the right; you'll have a better chance of hitting him since you wont hit his armor.

Im happy to hear you got so far! It is quite difficult. I'm pushing a small patch today with a bunch of small fixes.


I think the difficulty, as well as the sound work (both design and sound engine) is what just doesn't let me stop. I really, really want to finish this last fight but hitting that one monster is very very tricky! Especially with many of them running around. So I was right in thinking that there's one particular spot you have to hit it. Does it actually make a different sound for when you hit the armor vs. hitting a wall? It doesn't sound like that to me, but it might be helpful. Sometimes I'm not quite sure if I'm actually in the right spot since it also really loves to hang out near walls and corners. Anyway this game is still fantastic. Haven't had this much fun with an audiogame in a really long while. Good job! Maybe I'll try my hand at making one myself!

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah you are totally right, the Warthog should have a different sound for when it hits the armor... We completely forgot to fix that!  
EDIT: Just fixed that. We had the sound ready to go, just forgot to add a line in a script.

Wow, really glad to hear that! Thanks for playing! it's comments like these that make it easy to love making games. =D

If you're interested in making stuff, definitely go for it!