that would be cool, but I think the most I could do is provide support for on screen reading software! The game is almost entirely text based without many images already.
Hi, that would be absolutely amazing if you would consider including support for screen readers. I am using a piece of software called NVDA on windows, and unfortunately it's struggling to read the game. When I go to the frame in Chrome, the first thing it sees seems to be a graphic clickable, and when I press space to activate it, I get a prompt saying "press esc to exit fullscreen" and a frame with a bunch of things saying "graphic clickable", and it's not really saying anything else at the moment as I'm arrowing up and down the page, it just spots a metric ton of graphic clickables and doesn't say what they do. A lot of projects have gotten around this by using alt text for their images, or labeling links. The good news is, if you wanted to experiment yourself, you could, because NVDA is free software. On a mac, there's also VoiceOver, same with iOS. I would also be very happy to test the game as well. There's also a forum filled with blind gamers at the forum who would be happy to help you and give feedback as well. We don't really have that many accessible rpg games, especially single player ones and roguelikes, and this sounds quite interesting. I hope you'll please consider making the game readable by screen readers such as NVDA.