This game is extremely stylish! The atmosphere and the story is very immersive, and the mechanic of moving to slow/rewind time is excellent. However I feel like there is a lot of missed potential. I feel like the game would work best in open, platforming sections, but in the game there are a lot of sections where you are in a small room with 50 bullets hurling at you if you stop, which isn't bad on its own but the only way to grab weapons is by either frantically clicking until somehow you grab something or by some miracle stopping to pick it up and not dying. I think either the weapons should be removed or the player should just have one by default. Also dying to just one hit is very unforgiving, I feel like there should be a health bar or another system all together. As ironic as this sounds, I feel like the player movement should be slowed down if you're going for this "high octane action" feeling, as I feel like the current speed is too fast and gets in the way a lot of the time. All that aside, I agree with some comments here that you should work on this more and maybe make it a commercial product.