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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for the response!  Remember that easy doesn't mean bad, a well designed, easy to understand and fair easy game is always better than a hard to understand and clunky hard game! (In my opinion of course!)

Haha thanks! >;)

I can tell this is a very ambitious game, maybe a little too ambitious... The graphics, especially the sword and its animations are really well done.  However I ran into many issues that hindered my experience of the game:

- The framerate is very low, which would be fine on its own if it weren't for the fact that the mouse sensitivity is very low as well, making the game have no sense of momentum.

- The audio in the opening cutscene is almost inaudible.

- Sometimes I die for no reason (sorry if I missed something, but I feel like I often die for no reason?)

- Going back to the main menu after playing doesn't re add the cursor meaning you are essentially softlocked.

- The scene loading animation itself looks very nice, but how it starts playing and how it ends is very glitchy and doesn't play right.

- The skeletons seem kind of weird? I don't know I think they should have sounds for attacking, etc.

Listing all these issues sounds harsh but its because I think if the game didn't have them, it would really be a great game, as I think you guys are on to something interesting with this game, I'd like to see you guys work on it further.

I'm glad to hear it was one of your favorites!

Thanks for the review! How did you manage to reduce the sensitivity? I didn't add a slider due to time constraints lol

I rated your game! I'm thinking of good feedback to leave in a comment right now, but please check out my game in the meantime!

This game is pretty neat!  The sprites are nice but the walls are a bit simple, leading to confusion as to whether you're walking into a wall or hallway.  Also the house has a weird layout, maybe a map would help.  Aside from that, I think this game is pretty fun and tense!

Here's my game: I'm checking your's out right now!

Oh thanks!  I'll check it out when I can!

Ah thanks!

I really liked this game!  The aesthetic is very unique, and the gameplay is very nice.  However there are a few points that I'd like to make:

- The player isn't strong enough to fight the zombies and there's really no reason to try.  What I mean is that the player needs to hit a zombie quite a number of times in order to kill it, but there is no reward for it, so it's better to run away, avoid combat at all costs and rewind at the truck occasionally.  I think having a reward for killing zombies and increasing the player damage would fix this.

- There should be more feedback when zombies are attacking you, such as a sound or an effect, as it's kind of weird having what is basically your health go down just by standing next to an enemy with no other indicator.

- Humans and zombies have the same sound? I think zombies should have a groan or something lol.

- The truck should have health as it would make you want to fight off the zombies.  I think it should decrease in health each time it rewinds the player or enemy.

I don't really know what genre is this, so I can't easily compare it with other games, but on its own, I think it's pretty good!

I like the vibe of this game, it's very hectic but also relaxing at the same time, I can't describe it.  The rewind mechanic seems kind of tacked on though, maybe there should be rooms in which you need to use it?  The music choice seems like it wouldn't fit but oddly it does, maybe it's because of all the moving parts and screen shake lol.  Anyways, this is a pretty neat game!

I'm playing your game right now! Please check out my game!

Haha I don't mean it, its for satire mostly, but maybe I went too far!

Ah I missed it, I'll play it again later with this in mind!

This game is pretty good but the footstep sounds are a bit too loud I think... Also I got soft-locked on the level with the falling block so a restart button would be nice.  The art is pretty cool though, especially the dialogue box.

This is my game:, I'll play your game

This game's story is very nice, I liked it a lot.  Maybe it's because I know people who have Alzheimers.  The controls can be a bit confusing though, having space for actions instead of jumping, they are fine as they are but they were confusing for me in areas where you need precision, especially considering "W" is jump.  The graphics, menus, and music were all very aesthetically pleasing though.  The music and the gameplay were good as well!

Thanks for the comment!  I'll check out your game!

Yeah music and checkpoints are definitely one of the things that need working on. Thanks for checking out my game!

This game is pretty neat!  The gameplay loop is a bit slow though, I think making the rope rewinding faster would be a nice improvement!  The puzzles are great though, very unique mechanics.


Ah thanks for checking out my game!  Audio is definitely one of the things I want to look more into for future projects, as it's the most noticeable thing missing as you said, even if it's a big subject (music, sfx, etc).  I definitely want to compose and make my own sounds though, so maybe it'll be awhile before I can introduce nice sounding music/sfx.  Glad to hear the dialogue and graphics were enjoyable, even if they could use some work.  Other people have had problems with the interacting as well, so I'll look more into it!

Ah, thanks for the heads up, I'll do another play-through of the game.  I hope if there is a boss, that it's either meme brackeys or DIO Over Heaven.  Also can you check out my game, I'm close to 20 ratings! 

This game is so memey, but so good at the same time it's scary.  The controls feel good aside from the mouse punching thing, but you're already planning a fix for this.  Also it's weird how you can smash boulders with the player's fist but you can't attack the enemies and they one shot you lol.  One weird thing though is that I couldn't get past the level where they introduce the restart, I don't know if I'm missing something but I couldn't figure out how to beat it... The main menu and the music are great though, along with the aesthetic, I enjoyed the game even if I couldn't beat it.

Very nice game, you can definitely feel the passion of the creators in this one.  From the transitions, the music, the aesthetic, it's all very nice.  The ending is pretty funny too.  However, I got soft-locked once in the area with the balloons and the trees, in between the large tree and the door you can get there without a key and be trapped since you can't phase past the tree.  Also the controls seem kind of slow to register unless that's only an issue with the Web version.  That aside, the models and lighting were great, along with the concept, I can see with game ranking highly in the jam or maybe even winning, who knows.

The effects and graphics are pretty good!  However I think rewinding itself as a mechanic is not used here to great effect, I understand that it's mostly a side effect and a way to prevent the player from constantly being in the "killer clock" mode, but still I think that there should've been puzzles or enemies that need you to time travel to beat them.  Also the platforming aesthetically feels great, but in terms of control, the player is too fast and the platforms are small, leading to many unwanted deaths.  The sound effects are well done though and the time travel feels good both visually and mechanically, although it could be longer.

This game is pretty addicting, perfect for a mobile game!  However I think the purple and magenta "enemies" are too similar.

No problem!  It was just something I thought of now haha.

(1 edit)

This game is extremely stylish!  The atmosphere and the story is very immersive, and the mechanic of moving to slow/rewind time is excellent.  However I feel like there is a lot of missed potential.  I feel like the game would work best in open, platforming sections, but in the game there are a lot of sections where you are in a small room with 50 bullets hurling at you if you stop, which isn't bad on its own but the only way to grab weapons is by either frantically clicking until somehow you grab something or by some miracle stopping to pick it up and not dying.  I think either the weapons should be removed or the player should just have one by default.  Also dying to just one hit is very unforgiving, I feel like there should be a health bar or another system all together.  As ironic as this sounds, I feel like the player movement should be slowed down if you're going for this "high octane action" feeling, as I feel like the current speed is too fast and gets in the way a lot of the time.  All that aside, I agree with some comments here that you should work on this more and maybe make it a commercial product.

This could definitely be a mobile game!  It would be so nice, you could press and hold to steer and release to rewind!  It's like this game was made for mobile!  That aside, the music choice is very relaxing and the gameplay is pretty addicting!

The graphics and the sounds are really great in this game!  The game is a bit too open for a puzzle game though, some text indicating a story or objective would be nice.  The slope jumping mechanic is very unique, I've never seen it done before, so points for innovation!  The animation when you jump is very good for feedback as well.  Some particle effects would be a nice inclusion though, such as running, death, or falling sand ones!  Also, I found the rewind mechanic a bit confusing, so maybe having a visual indicator for when you are recording when you are rewinding back would help, such as an icon in the UI or an effect on screen.

Thanks, I'll see if I can play the updated version!

This game seems really polished and seems to have a lot of potential!  However there are a few things to point out:

- The controls are a bit difficult to wrap your head around, between careful platforming and constantly switching between forwards and backwards time, it gets very complicated quickly.  Not that this is bad, but I think more complicated platforming challenges should be saved for later once the player is more accustomed to the controls instead of throwing them right into the deep end so quickly.

- The red death areas don't look like they should kill you, to me they look like rubber or just a normal platform.  I think they should be replaced with spikes, or lava to make it more obvious to the player.

- I think there should really be just one button to change time, having more than one is very confusing.

- The assets, music and animations used are all great!  Same with the UI!

- There should be a more obvious visual indicator for when time is moving forwards or backwards, like a blue tint on the screen or environment when going back and red when forwards.

Still a very polished game, and makes great use of the theme in the gameplay!

This game's atmosphere is very mysterious and I like it!  The movement feels a bit floaty though.  Also, the player's hitbox is kind of weird, meaning if you walk toward midair, you'll stay suspended in the air.  The atmosphere and lighting is this game's strong point!

This game is pretty fun, especially the wind mechanic, very satisfying and sort of challenging sometimes.  The wall jump animation is kind of weird though, a more unique animation for this would be nice.  Also a very unique interpretation of the theme.  My condolences as well.

Using a yoyo as a weapon is a unique idea, but the physics are very buggy and weird.  Also, the enemies have too much health, and as there is no reward for beating them such as loot, power ups or points, I just ran past them whenever possible.  Aside from that, the jumping and animations were really good!

This game is very nice.  The music choice, designs and effects are all great.  However the levels are very cryptic, I think a few more hints could make the game more fun in general or maybe an easy mode that has dialogue that explains the solution after some time.  I couldn't finish the game now, but I'll definitely try to beat it next time.  This doesn't detract that much from the satisfaction of seeing the level in reverse (or forwards?) at the end, this bit is great!

This game is pretty good!  The hologram effect on the past versions is great, same as the effects.  The shooting and platforming were kind of weird though.  For example you can't shoot the turrets from the front which is kind of weird, unless this is intentional.  If it's intentional I think it should be mentioned somewhere since I was there mashing the mouse and nothing happening until I turned around.  The saving is a cool idea, but I don't think it is needed for a short game like this.  The platforming was off at times as well, as sometimes you would land on an edge and not be able to jump, which made jumping on small platforms kind of tedious.  The gun should have a projectile that goes all the way to the enemy as sometimes I don't know what I'm hitting.  The boss at the end was cool, but the boss fight didn't feel "dynamic" enough, I could beat it standing behind a pillar.  However, it was a very good game!

Ayyy, thanks!