It's a good game. It only kind of fits the theme (the main feature of the game is that you CAN'T rewind haha), but that's OK, it's a change of pace from all the time rewinding games (mine included!).
At the middle of the level or something, an end of game screen would appear, as if I had lost. But I still had 80+ health left? It was kind of weird and I don't think it was intended.
You should add a "High Score" feature! Where it saves your best score ever. That way you incentivize replaying your game, and maybe even sharing with your friends!
Actually, I never understood: were you supposed to hit the pidgeons? Or hit as few as possible? I kind of felt bad shooting them, but it seemed that I was supposed to...
Overall it's a good game. Good job!
Was it your first game jam?