Yo’ Templar here,
- An interesting take on golf games.
- The art and sound fit each other well. A few things to point out:
- I can’t tell if this is a bug: When you rewind, you go back to the start position, the rewind ends, but if you start spamming rewind, then your remaining shots keep increasing.
- While the rewind mechanic fits the theme, I quite doesn’t fit in the game itself, without it is a puzzle golf game where you want to get as much points (patience) as possible while still reaching the exit with your available shots; but with the rewind mechanic it turns into just a regular golf game where you can just keep spamming rewind and farming for points before moving.
- The “points”/patience is quite unclear what each does if there’s even a difference, a better take would have been having different personality traits (following the personality test theme that you’re going for) like fun, loving, patience, etc. This would make the player have to aim for certain traits while avoiding others as they navigate through the level.