I really like the graphics, nicely done. The rewind mechanic felt a bit finicky and you could escape the map at multiple places. I can see what you are going for, but I feel like it was done in too much of a hurry.
I didnt get very far as I fell of the map and got stuck in the ground when I went back to one of the statues.
Less work on the graphics and more work on the gameplay wouldnt have hurt. It was refreshing to see a fully 3d game with nice animations tho :D
Viewing post in The Time Keeper jam comments
Thank you very much for playing our game! :D We are glad you liked the graphics as much as we enjoyed making them. It is true that we tried to make it look very polished rather than focus on every aspect of the gameplay. The game actually isn't only a puzzle game. We couldn't polish the gameplay because we tried to make too many things. Thanks for reviewing! :)