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A member registered May 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear it ^^

Thanks :)  yeah, I have noticed from seeing friends play. The hints for the first puzzle is way too unclear.

Directions matter, there is a paper on the ground with the number of revolutions and direction specified.

make the fitst number of rotations then knock once on the door, make the second number of rotations and knock on the door once, do the same for the third number and the door will open on the last knock.

I believe in you, you can figure it out ;)

Walk around the number of times, then knock on the door. Then on to next number. If you walk the wrong way or wrong number, knocking on the door resets the puzzle.

you want a little help?

Thanks :D

What did you think?

The game is over when you find the Thanks for playing paper.

Yes, but that was a good question :D

Aaaaaand done :)

The shooting is kinda odd as you can click on right mouse button to flip gravity. The movement is floaty and you cant jump unless you are fully on a platform. The graphics are simple and cute but enemies don't react when hit. The theme is very basic and almost no existing.

Looks good, thought the bridges and gates and such would be animated :/

Reminds me of a mobile game i used to play in 2011. Short and sweet, would be nice with more longer or more complex levels.

Cool and simple game.

Very interesting concept. Very panic inducing.

Awesome game!

That is such a cool concept! Saving yourself. Me and my brother had a good time with this game. The best score i got was 1420 on hard difficulty. The game is polished and I only have one problem with it. Enemies can spawn at your position or close enough that you run into them. Other than that excellent  game. 

Good sounds.

The sound effect made the game fun. The game was kind of basic as the abilities didn't help you catch your opponent.

Very good, would buy if there was more content!

This was probably the best the best and most polished platformer that I have played from the game jam. The atmosphere was nice and there was no clashing art styles, the movement felt good and the jumps weren't floaty. The time manipulation mechanic was nice.

The only criticism have is that it was too easy and that failure always was punished with death (kinda contrary statements). Im not asking for checkpoints but maybe that you add some harder puzzles where you simply fall in a hole and have to get up and try again. A timer would also be nice so that you can speed run the game ;)

Good job! 

oh no :/


Nice, that score is above average I can tell you that!

The controls are listed in the game page but that is not shown in the game jam page which is sad :/ that is the only reason we thought we could get away with it. But thanks for the feedback!

What highscore did you get? and what was your most hated enemy?

I will get to you eventually :D

Beautiful intro.

I do not usually play this kind of game, it isn't really my thing.  But I found it fun for a while, the game feels very unforgiving when i comes to getting caught, mostly when caught when trying to exit the room after spinning the thing. 

The story element was nice.

Looks good but plays kinda bad. Game breaking bug in the first level got me annoyed so i gave up.

I tried playing the game multiple times but got knocked up in the air so that I got stuck and couldn't continue. I have attached a screenshot.

Loved it, continue working on it!

Hmmm, thats really odd. We had one of our friends play the game with a ps4 controller without problems. Thanks for the feedback.

I finished the whole thing, really nice.
The platforms were kind of finicky sometime.

That was an experience.

Well, this was a very hard game. I think I got to level 3 or 4, then I got a fatal error and the game crashed :/

Love the animations!

10/10 animations xD love the crouch walk, its the best one!

The ninjas hitbox felt a little thicc along the x axis, I walked into spikes next to me and died thinking I wasn't close enough.

Generally I liked the platforming.

It was nice of you to have the spikes not kill you in the first loop but it would have been nice if you would have had one shorter level in the start instead of making the spikes harmless. 

Very charming!

Awesome game, died a million times to my bad platformed skills hehe. Liked the setting and premis.