melody: im sorry what was that? I kinda tuned you out after "because"
Melody: >:^
Penelope: *she uses her neck head and teeth to grab a knife, and starts trying to stab herself in the neck and chest over and over, every time she comes closer and closer to killing herself*
Penelope: if no one is going to listen, or do anything about this, or give me the answer to a simple motherfucking question that ive been asking for 8 years now, then what reason do i have to stay alive, what fucking reason do i have for.....for anything?
Penelope: so bye guys, im going to miss you all, i really am, its been nice knowing everyone, including you Melody
Penelope: *she looks directly at Melody with just her eyes, the only thing she can move at this point* y'know, youve always filled my life with a beautiful, sweet.....*she fakes a laugh* whats the word again? Melody, isn't it? *she gives you a lovley smile and closes her eyes, now conpletely paralyzed, with no way to talk or open her eyes back up again*
*ok here is a question*
*or at least it LOOKS like she just died*
*i mean, EVERYBODY literally used a part of themselves to make her, so she is like blood-related to everyone here*
*and yet NOBODY CARES that she just "DIED" IN COLINS LAP??*
*i mean maybe nobody saw it but i mean David is sure as hell in the kitchen making people meat soup or something*
*Paiges room is so frickin close to the room theyre in that if she glanced out of le door she chould see this whole moment happening*
*and Malcolm just frickin knows when somethings up*
Penelope: *in her mind: i hate being the nice one around here, why couldnt i just have been like everyone else, why cant i just mind my own buisness......why couldnt i just have been stupid like Hairy (the licorice man) and the rest of them were? *sigh in her head* this is all my fault, isnt it?*
*.......* cue me trying to fucking comprihend how that works*
* just think about how the character would react to a situation*
* what emotions and response would fit this characters personality?*
Penelope: *in her mind: maybe i should die, maybe everyone would be better off without me, and even if Colin would miss me, i dont think Paige would, shes so much of a bitch and a snob, and i bet shed like one less mouth to feed*
Penelope: * and maybe David and the green one would miss me, but i dont think i showed them enough affection, and David woud enjoy eating me*
Penelope: *and *sigh* i GUESS Malcolm and the cult would miss me.....there isnt anything i can do to argue that*
Penelope: *and.....based on what i can still hear of Melody, i dont think she would miss me, i mean, we never really ever talked to each other before now, most she heard of me was what the others said while i was getting "better" at the asylum*