Same thing happens here on Windows 7.
Here's the immediate disassembly:
00422087 . E8 74360200 CALL <JMP.&SDL2_ttf.TTF_OpenFont>
0042208C . C74424 04 08914800 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],Tilemanc.004891>
00422094 . C70424 01000000 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP],1
0042209B . A3 34944800 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[489434],EAX
004220A0 . FF15 7454DC6E CALL DWORD PTR DS:[glew32.__glewGenBuffe>
[7454DC6E] (glewGenBuffers function pointer) is null, which of course causes the access violation when trying to execute it.