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First off, congratulations of completing and submitting, especially if this is your first jam! That's awesome! I really liked the last level where you were falling through the saw blades, it really brought me back to an old NES Megaman game. The jump I found finicky, I found often when I tried to jump it was either too much, or too little (usually too little, I was expecting to jump further but I had let go too early). The computer mechanic is neat, and it's well introduced to push you along the game at a good pace which I think is actually really great design. It rewards you for playing fast and loose, for always trying to push through. I think you could even have the computers deactivate after you used them to force the player to continue forward, with the break coming between levels. 

I really liked the indicators you put in for the player's health, both the visual and audio cues were great and conveyed what I needed to know. The last level was really fun and I would have loved to see more levels like that, that were fast and frantic, instead of the typical jumping up platforms that come with most generic platformers these days. Great work!